I truly hope you find you find what your looking for , being separated from
familiy is the worst. My heart goes out to you.
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
I truly hope you find you find what your looking for , being separated from
familiy is the worst. My heart goes out to you.
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
If your still have family and friends who are still in
why is it they can't give you the info you need, about your
relatives in stockton? anyway i hope you get the info you need
without putting anyone else at risk and welcom back
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
I don't meant to be harsh , it's just that i've seen people treated pretty
badly by this ORG. And you shouldn't put them in harms way
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
Do you realize that if a person give you to much info about one of these halls
it could put them in a position they are not ready to be placed in. Would you want to
cause a person undue hardship just because you want to know something?
ask your relatives. And if your not on speaking terms with them. then good riddance to 'em
true love amongst your fellowman is looking out for someone else not just your self.
the district convention of jehovah's witnesses is coming up in july at the hampton coliseum.
so glad we actually live in the area for i would hate to have to shell out for hotel rooms and the like.. http://calendar.hampton.gov/details.asp?eventid=4916&curdate=07/02/2010&approval=&calendar=coliseum&optype=display.
http://www.bing.com/events/search?q=events near 23630&p1=[events+source="vertical"+qzeventid="118488605"]&form=msnlap.
we would have the one day and two day assemblies there.
is that a radio or tv station not to far from it on the other side of the road?
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
"(PS: I may have some other questions for those who attend one of these halls...)"
now your really sounding suspicious!!!!!
i just googled kingdom halls in stockton ca and it appears there are several.
anyone go to any of these halls?
i was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the witnesses in this area.
"I have relatives that go to one of these halls (moved from the midwest)."
Give your relatives time to get the feel of their congregation
and if your on speaking terms, let "them" tell you.
i'd be mindful about asking people which hall they attend.
that's a question a JW troll would think we would be stupid enough to tell.
we are independant thinkers on this board, no longer controlled by the ORG.
i'm a new poster also, newer than you, there are some stimulating talks here
yet you have very little to say. If i'm wrong please forgive me
Waterspout says:
"Asilentone whats with the ''spying on a 15 year old'' comments? If you did make that comment then its not going too bode well wiith you, is it?
Peace and light :)"
I cannot stop laughing at these comments.
and yes my mom refered to me as her child well past my 18th birthday
so i don't believe asilentone meant underage children.
the district convention of jehovah's witnesses is coming up in july at the hampton coliseum.
so glad we actually live in the area for i would hate to have to shell out for hotel rooms and the like.. http://calendar.hampton.gov/details.asp?eventid=4916&curdate=07/02/2010&approval=&calendar=coliseum&optype=display.
http://www.bing.com/events/search?q=events near 23630&p1=[events+source="vertical"+qzeventid="118488605"]&form=msnlap.
Yea thats it!!!!!!!!!!!
something like: "would jesus do that/go there?
" i tell them: "would he own a luxurious bmw or mercendes?".
what are some quotes/expressions invented by jw's that really pissed you off?.
no matter what problems you had , doing more field service was the answer
laid off =do more field service
lights cut off = do more field service
illness = do more fields service
field service was supposed to help you forget about your problems, but it didn't do a darn thing for them