I think these pretty much defeat the Trinity. I didn´t even have to scripturize today. A person of the world said it better than I could.
trinity challenge using only the new world translation of the holy scriptures -- let us debate and reason on the scriptures about whether god almighty is a trinity, or is only one person.. on another thread, bane said that we know for a fact immediately that nearly all religions other than jehovah's witnesses are false because almost all of them believe in the trinity.
and bane claims he can "out-scripturize" anyone with the help of jehovah.
* the son was praying to the father.
I think these pretty much defeat the Trinity. I didn´t even have to scripturize today. A person of the world said it better than I could.
i'm reading coc for the first time.
a governing body that is suppose to be god's channel on earth and led by jehovah's holy spirit could not even change jw dogma even though the majority of those present voted for change.
there had to be a 2/3's vote of the total gb membership.
Nah, I haven´t read COC...I don´t read porn. I know it´s all negative judging by the people here. He can offer nothing better than what Jehovah does. Besides, all the points in the book I have already defeated.
High, I am a pioneer. I am in the streets day after day. Sometimes at 7 in the morning.
i'm reading coc for the first time.
a governing body that is suppose to be god's channel on earth and led by jehovah's holy spirit could not even change jw dogma even though the majority of those present voted for change.
there had to be a 2/3's vote of the total gb membership.
Um again, JW´s don´t get involved in lawsuits of this nature. The Bible says that ones would beat their former slaves etc. Our mission is to preach the good news. If we got involved with every hack that came down the block, the work would never be done. So that´s why you apostates can feel safe in that we don´t sue for your scandelous youtube videos and other crap. Don´t have time for it. Lives are at stake.
Wannabe, Yeah....I am sure Jesus was hated in his day by the apostates...OH YEAH, that´s right...He was...He exposed them and they hated him for it. Hmm...interesting.
i predict that elvis will return to us...invisibly.
what are yours?.
I predict that the apostates HERE will NOT have moved on with their lives but will continue to be pathetic bitter old hacks who will log in here every day and criticize, mock etc. their former brothers.
Will I be right? Of course. Scripturizing at it´s best!
for years the wt has claimed that only 20 billion people have ever lived on the earth- in 1988 they claimed that there would be 1/3 hectare of every person who ever lived, which they said was enough to grow all the food that was needed.
a more realistic number by the population reference bureau is over 100 billion.
life in the wt utopia would resemble living in third world slums with just one bowl of food a day.
Number one: Jehovah deluged the earth. He is God Almighty. If the idea is to restore the Earth to paradise....Then the water canopy would return and the land currently covered by water would be exposed then. No more huge bodies of water on Earth.
Number 2: Not everyone is worthy of a resurrection. That is going to cut it down some.
Number 3: The ones that turn against Jehovah in those days will be as the sands of the sea. Therefore mucho death.
Number 4: All those planets are sitting out there doing nothing. HOW hard would it be for Jah to change the conditions on those planets making them habitable for human life? Pretty darn easy I would say so.
So therefore although you are TRYING to be creative and put down Jehovah´s purposes....It simply won´t work as I have demonstrated to you now.
i'm reading coc for the first time.
a governing body that is suppose to be god's channel on earth and led by jehovah's holy spirit could not even change jw dogma even though the majority of those present voted for change.
there had to be a 2/3's vote of the total gb membership.
Hmm....So you take the word of ONE crazy old coot like Franz and hold it as gospel. ONE crazy guy who got booted out of the organization and his word is now holy?
PUHLEASE! Give me a break. Guy was a jerk. He was probably the one molesting etc.
I bet if Judas Iscariot had written a book you guys would be blessing THAT book too...
i fail to see why people such as alice in wonderland, bane and others, are regularly singled out as tolls.
demands are repeatedly made that they are shunned and thrown off the forum; while people like perry, who rant on with pages of controversial drivel, are considered acceptable?.
i personaly don't view any of them as trolls, just people who feel a need to stand up for what they believe.
Again with the stupidity part....Here comes another spirtual smackdown. See apostates lose ALL holy spirit. I get called bad because I applied this scripture to myself yet I am not of the annointed....Here it comes....Live and directly from the Revelation book....
15 In the vision, the locusts have iron breastplates, symbolizing unbreakable righteousness. (Ephesians 6:14-18) They also have men’s faces, this feature pointing to the quality of love, since man was made in the image of God, who is love. (Genesis 1:26; 1 John 4:16) Their hair is long like a woman’s, which well pictures subjection to their King, the angel of the abyss. And their teeth resemble a lion’s teeth. A lion uses its teeth to tear meat. From 1919 onward, the John class has again been able to take in solid spiritual food, particularly the truths about God’s Kingdom ruled by “the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah,” Jesus Christ. Just as the lion symbolizes courage, so great courage has been needed to digest this hard-hitting message, to bring it forth in publications, and to distribute it around the globe. Those figurative locusts have made a lot of noise, like “the sound of chariots of many horses running into battle.” After the example of first-century Christians, they do not intend to stay quiet.—1 Corinthians 11:7-15; Revelation 5:5.
16This preaching involves more than the spoken word! “Also, theyhavetailsandstingslikescorpions;andintheirtailsistheirauthoritytohurtthemenfivemonths.”(Revelation9:10) What could this mean? As they go about their Kingdom work, Jehovah’s Witnesses, using the spoken word and printed publications, issue authoritative statements based on God’s Word. Their message has a scorpionlike sting because they warn of Jehovah’s approaching day of vengeance. (Isaiah 61:2) Before the present generation of spiritual locusts lives out its life span, its divinely ordained work of declaring Jehovah’s judgments will be completed—to the hurt of all stiff-necked blasphemers.
WHAM! Right there. Bane with a left hook and little billy boy goes down! It didn´t take much either. Two hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the floor. Didn´t you learn ANYTHING at Bethel?
i fail to see why people such as alice in wonderland, bane and others, are regularly singled out as tolls.
demands are repeatedly made that they are shunned and thrown off the forum; while people like perry, who rant on with pages of controversial drivel, are considered acceptable?.
i personaly don't view any of them as trolls, just people who feel a need to stand up for what they believe.
Here comes MORE scripturizing...Are you ready for it? Revelation 8:
And it was granted the [locusts], not to kill them, but that these should be tormented five months, and the torment upon them was as torment by a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to die but death keeps fleeing from them.
7And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle; and upon their heads [were] what seemed to be crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as men’s faces, 8 but they had hair as women’s hair. And their teeth were as those of lions; 9 and they had breastplates like iron breastplates. And the sound of their wings [was] as the sound of chariots of many horses running into battle. 10 Also, they have tails and stings like scorpions; and in their tails is their authority to hurt the men five months.
So THERE Ziddina, Locusts SYMBOLICALLY STING!!! If you ACTUALLY read the bible you would know that.
Think, thanks.
i fail to see why people such as alice in wonderland, bane and others, are regularly singled out as tolls.
demands are repeatedly made that they are shunned and thrown off the forum; while people like perry, who rant on with pages of controversial drivel, are considered acceptable?.
i personaly don't view any of them as trolls, just people who feel a need to stand up for what they believe.
Are apostates THIS dense? I mean really....Are you guys THAT stupid? I don´t live in Bethel. I know ONE Bethelite. He got sent home and now has a job. What I said before in NO WAY suggests that he was the ONLY one who got sent home when they downsized a few years ago. It MEANS I only PERSONALLY know ONE Bethelite.
I cannot believe the rampant retardedness that goes on here.
Think, you don´t want me here because I keep exposing the apostates for what they are. Why is this issue brought up EVERY time I post? Don´t believe me? Check em folks. They are losing the battle and they bring it up hoping I will leave and quit stinging them like the locust I am.
i fail to see why people such as alice in wonderland, bane and others, are regularly singled out as tolls.
demands are repeatedly made that they are shunned and thrown off the forum; while people like perry, who rant on with pages of controversial drivel, are considered acceptable?.
i personaly don't view any of them as trolls, just people who feel a need to stand up for what they believe.
Un, I asked for something in return. You didn´t provide it either. So we are even no? Also I registered and THEN found out what it was, then I decided to do some scripturizing. But at first I had no idea.
Wasblind, I only know of one bethelite that got sent home. He is doing fine with a job now.