Greetings to you Individual
And hello to "Logical" "Kes152" and all of you:
I, too, have been where you are. I must say though, my spirit bears witness with logicals and Kes's.
Yes, we were ingrained that beyond the WTBS THERE IS NOTHING ELSE, so..."Where does one go?"
That "where" was brought out by some here that it is not a PLACE or a WHERE but a WHO...The Christ JOHN 14:5
ALso he says to "COME TO HIM" all those that are toiling and loaded down (and boy have we been) MATTHEW 11:28-30!
Pray for Holy Spirit to come to you. It is yes, a free gift that our father wants us to have despite the org telling us we can't have it unless your ANOINTED (really) It then will REPLACE the "men in charge" that have burdened us with their interpretation of the law.
1JOHN 2:26-29
It will truly guide and teach you.
Remember if "gods spirit TRULY dwells in us", we become the temple he dwells in now. It is not manmade ACTS 17:24-26..1CORINTHIANS 3:16!
That is how we truly begin to "walk by faith and not by sight" "to worship with spirit and truth" and to "keep our eyes on what is unseen"....the city having real foundation that Abraham was looking forward to.
Where do we go????
There is only ONE! "ONE lord ONE faith ONE baptism"
Listen to him JOHN 10: 1-18. Notice Jesus says, "MY SHEEP know MY VOICE and listen to ME!"
May the blessing of our lord and his father be with you.