Hello JBean and thank you for your kind response
I put THIS thread up in response to the other one as to the question, "Is ANYONE really welcome at the memorial?" There were a lot or views on this.
But we are truly blessed in that Jah through his son opened our eyes and NOT ONLY showed us their error, but showed us the real truth and where to go.
I may not have time to finish as I am getting ready for work but I will finish later. You may email me ANYTIME. I am here for you.
Four years ago we started seeing a lot of weird things happening to friends that had professed to be of the anointed. They would write into the society, call them and share "food at the proper time" as they as domestics help make up the faithful slave class.
Unfortunatley some of the things they were writing were not in full agreement with the society and therefore the society was either caling them "apostates" or "pushing ahead."
That bothered me as I always suported the anointed to furnish ME with spiritual food and trusted them. Why the division NOW.
So I started reading and praying like never before. I asked "WHY" Jehovah, please do not let me be misled. Show me what is happening. I trust you! "Show me the BIG PICTURE!"
When I read the Bible I started reading it apparantly not knowing at the time that the holy spirit was teaching me truly. I knew I had read it before, but never in this light. I heard a voice in my heart say, "Do not trust in nobles nor in earthling man to whom NO salvation belongs." I thought I hadn't before this.
Also, I heard, remember Solomon, "To the making of many BOOKS there is NO end and the studying of them is wearisome to the flesh." ECCLESIATES 12:12,13
WOW! The society publishes a BOOK for every subject. And explains it's meaning from THEIR point of view. Books, magazines, booklets, tracts, etc.......
I remember the society taught that the Watchtower magazine is NOT inspired...although it is where we receive our latest "food at the proper time" Inspired life-saving food from a magazine that is un-inspired. That really didn't make sense now. Not being inspired opens the way for "mistakes" "opinions that become doctrine".
When I realized this and starting reading and listening to the spirit for what it said and not allowing man to teach me, I too found division and error.
I knew at this time my husband and I must share with our brothers what we see and are reading. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!
I, being ignorant, felt we as pillars in the hall and strong JWs had some credibilty to our words. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
At least I felt they would see even if they could not agree.
Well, that opened up the can of worms called, "Apostates" and I will finish this afternoon. Thanks
Have a great day