Yep, I am. I check it once per day.
i'm on it every couple of days and it's usually to see pics of my grandkids or to get the 411 onwhat's going on..
Yep, I am. I check it once per day.
this is something that seems to be conterversial in dubbieland.
i have always seen jws stand when at sporting events, but i have heard conversations in which the dubs said they would either linger in the hallways until it was over, or else sit down during it.
most of the time when there is such discrepancy between jws it means the light has been flicked on and off so often it leaves them dazed and confused.
Ahhhh, yes, the "national anthem" issue. Before I ask a question, I'll preface with these comments. Personally, I faded out of the borg in the late 1980s. And, I personally no longer believe that there is ANY kind of "deity" that is deeply, profoundly offended at humans standing for a "national anthem" or reciiting a "pledge of allegiance." So, peronally, whenever I go to a professional sports event, or a sports event at a school, I do usually stand when the natioinal anthem is being played. However, I do NOT recite the pledge, anywhere, at ANY event. I profoundly and conscientiously disagree with EVERY statement that is expressed in the "Pledge of Allegiance." (Especially the part about the United States being "one nation under God." ) Now, having stated that, I have a question: What, exactly, does the playing of a national anthem DO? What does it ACCOMPLISH? Does it make the players any better at their chosen game? Does it make the "fans"---the spectators---better people? Does if make the game transpire better, and more smoothly? What does it do? The older and older that I get with each passing year, I have started to see how silly and assinine that the playing of a so-called "national anthem"---at any sports event---in ANY country really is. Personally, the playing of a "national anthem" doesn't do ANYTHING for me. Nothing. Would anyone like to clarify this matter? Thanks...
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
At a Circuit Assembly in Costa Mesa, CA, in 1968. Orange County Fairgrounds. Well, actually, the "dunking" was at a private residence nearby. It wasn't on the Fairgrounds premises...
so, being that it is 2013, i recall that it was 50 years ago, that the "around the world assemblies" were held.
for those of us who lived in southern california, the first week of september was when we had the assembly, and it was held at the rose bowl in pasadena.
yep, the rose bowl, with no seats, per se, but just those hard benches as seats.
OK, thanks for the responses from EVERYONE! I hope that I didn't evoke any unpleasant memories for anyone. And, now, I remember that it was, indeed, 8 days long, and not just 5, as I originally thought. I think that our congo, being in Orange County, chartered a bus to take us to and from the assembly. Oh, what fun that was! Another book that was released at that assembly was the book "All Scripture Is Inspired Of God." And, the large-print edition of the NWT. Anyway, the next long-term, looooong-day assembly that we had wouldn't be until 1969---7 days at "beautiful" Dodger Statium in July of 1969. Best Regards, evereyone.
so, being that it is 2013, i recall that it was 50 years ago, that the "around the world assemblies" were held.
for those of us who lived in southern california, the first week of september was when we had the assembly, and it was held at the rose bowl in pasadena.
yep, the rose bowl, with no seats, per se, but just those hard benches as seats.
So, being that it is 2013, I recall that it was 50 years ago, that the "Around The World Assemblies" were held. For those of us who lived in Southern California, the first week of September was when we had the assembly, and it was held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Yep, the Rose Bowl, with no seats, per se, but just those hard benches as seats. I rember that we bought, through the congregation, those portable seats that would clamp on to the bench, and you could find SOME KIND of relative "comfort" while sitting in the hot sun of Pasadena! I was 9 years old at the time, and can remember a little bit of the assembly, but not much. It was at the assembly that year that the red "Babylon" book was released. So, is there anyone else who was there at The Rose Bowl, in September of 1963? I think, but I'm not sure, that the assembly was for 5 days, maybe more. Best Regards, everyone.
for those who dont know, the movie "earthquake" was a huge film with big stars in 1974. it was mass destruction of watchtower armageddon proportions all presented in "sensaround".
the soundtrack was augmented by a low tone that affected a person's inner ear making it seem the seat was moving beneath them.
it was awesome.
Hello, Wasanelder: Yep, I saw it way back when. But, it never had any profound effect upon me , other than to think that it was an interesting movie, filled with special effects. But, I wonder, what were we supposed to learn from the plotline of Charleton Heston's character having an extra-marital affair with the character played by Genevive Bujold? Anyway, a little sidenote about Marjo Gortner, who played the role of that crazed, fanatic National Guard soldier. Before getting into acting, he was a child preacher. Yes, that's right, as a child, he was a preacher, in some kind of mainstream evangelical religion. I'll have to do some more research on him, on the Best Regards, everyone.
greetings.. allow me to set the questions up.. after 30 years in the truth (i'm now late 40's) and having established the truth about the truth i consider myself agnostic going on atheist.. i struggle to believe there is a god when i observe life yet i try to convince myself there must be something out there.. here's the basis of my question: .
in summary, 2 young boys have been killed by a snake that escaped from a pet store in canada.
it made it's way up through the ventilation into the apartment they were staying in.
Well, if you believe in, or subscribe to, the mindset of Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California (Lake Forest, exactly), then you'll attribute this incident to "God's master plan" for those two boys, to have their demise in that way. Warren wrote a popular book, several years ago, entitled "A Purpose Driven Life." And, in that book, it says this: "Because God made you for a reason, he also decided when you would be born and how long you would live. He planned the days of your life in advance, choosing the exact time of your birth and death. The Bible says: 'You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breath Every day was recorded in your book.' [Psalm 139:16]"
So, according to this line of reasoning---and there are many persons who subscribe to it---then it was all part of God's master plan for those two boys, to have their lives end in that way. God knew how long they would live, and the means by which they would die. If a person has that particular mindset, then they might as well believe in "fate" or "destiny".
Now. do I believe in that philosophy as propounded by Rick Warren, of the Saddleback Church? No, I don't. I don't believe at all that "god" planned out any human being's life, (including mine) as to when they would be born, and when they would demise. I don't even belive that "god" planned any person's conception, either.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
Interesting topic...I, myself, like several people responding, was 15 at the time. And, there were many, many of my contemporaries in the congregation that I was associated with who decided to "drop out" of high school, and pioneer, deciding to get their high-school diploma through some kind of correspondence school. But, almost without exception, none of them graduated from high school through "correspondence school." But, my parents insisted that I at least complete high school, get a high school diploma, and would hear nothing about my "dropping out" to become a Pioneer. And, I did graduate with a diploma! A few months after graduating, I was "out in service" one day with some of my contemporaries, and later that day, we had a picnic in a nearby city park. And, without exception, all of my friends at the time congratulated me for sticking it out in high school and getting my diploma. All of them had been living with the mindset that school would "corrupt you", it would expose you to too many "worldy" influences, and they never did get at least a high school diploma. All of them had dropped out because of just a few classes that they didn't like or enjoy. Oh, well, that was 40 years ago....Best regards, everyone.
the natick, ma assemble hall used to have it's own room for breastfeeding mothers.
they changed this room to the accounting room or something like that and now have seats available for breastfeeding inside the bathroom.. there is one other small room available for breastfeeding but they close that off when the baptism is going on.
needless to say, i used to get so pissed off that they actually wanted me to breastfeed in the bathroom that i would threaten to a brother that i would take my boob out in front of everybody and that is there problem because breastfeeding in a bathroom is unsanitary.. one year they put me in some backroom.
Rebel8: If my mom were still allive, she would most certainly agree with your last sentence. Even though she died as a Witness in the early 80s, she had some COMMON SENSE regarding babies and attending assemblies/conentions. In her opinion, large assemblies and conventions were no place to bring new-born babies, even babies that were less than one year old. Their time for going to assemblies could WAIT until later, like about 3, maybe 4 years old.
i once attended a two day special assembly with my gums bleeding after having 4 widom teeth pulled the day before.
i managed the two days by rinsing out my mouth all day long and placing cotton in my mouth.. one brother had back surgery the week before but attended a two day assembly by laying on a matress in the back of the assembly hall.
why he needed to be there i'll never understand!.
Correct me, someone, if I'm wrong, but don't a lot of Kingdom Halls have, as part of their public address system, a feature by which a person who is sick, can call a phone number, and listen to the program from the comfort of their residence, via the phone.? Or, has that been elminated? Just wondering. I realize that not all KHs have that feature, but some do...or, do they any more?