Well, living and, having been born in the United States of America, I do NOT live in what is considered to be socialism. BUT-----However----the older and older that I get, with each passing year---and I just turned 65 this past Sunday---the more and more that I LIKE---LIKE---the idea of Socialism---as a concept. I really do. You know, as a 65-year old, I kinda LIKE the idea of "free stuff". You see, I've been in the "work world", the "labor force, since I was 18 years old, while I was still in high school. (I started working for a JW, in---what else---the cleaning business, the janitorial business.) I've done many things since then, primarily clerical, general office work. But, right now---at the age of 65---I am just a liiiiiiiiiiitle bit burned out, worn out, from the freakin' work world. I really am. I've had to put up with soooo much crap in the work world. So, yeah, I kind of like the idea of Socialism. What's wrong with being-----well, "social"? So, OK, that's my take on the subject. Best Regards, all.