Anyway, Folks, it's on my "bucket list", to attend a concert by Yanni. Perhaps some day.
Anyway, Folks, it's on my "bucket list", to attend a concert by Yanni. Perhaps some day.
No, never have been to one of his concerts, but I'd LIKE to. Yanni's music, to me, is VERY refreshing and stimulating. And, he and I are the same age, having been born in 1954. The very first CD of his music that I bought, was the "Live At The Acropolis" album; and I've bought several of his CDs since that one. I even have the combo DVD/CD of that concert, "Live At The Acropolis". His music always enthralls me. Best Regards, everyone.
do you support socialism?
is it something that you would want in your country?.
Well, living and, having been born in the United States of America, I do NOT live in what is considered to be socialism. BUT-----However----the older and older that I get, with each passing year---and I just turned 65 this past Sunday---the more and more that I LIKE---LIKE---the idea of Socialism---as a concept. I really do. You know, as a 65-year old, I kinda LIKE the idea of "free stuff". You see, I've been in the "work world", the "labor force, since I was 18 years old, while I was still in high school. (I started working for a JW, in---what else---the cleaning business, the janitorial business.) I've done many things since then, primarily clerical, general office work. But, right now---at the age of 65---I am just a liiiiiiiiiiitle bit burned out, worn out, from the freakin' work world. I really am. I've had to put up with soooo much crap in the work world. So, yeah, I kind of like the idea of Socialism. What's wrong with being-----well, "social"? So, OK, that's my take on the subject. Best Regards, all.
january 29th - my baptism date.
can you remember how you felt at your baptism?.
i got baptised because my dad kept frightening me.
50 years ago, this past October, so, 1968. It was in conjunction with a C.A. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, in Costa Mesa, California. Oh, to be sure, after the baptism, it brought other congregational "privileges", such as prayer before or after a meeting, reading the paragraphs at the Watchtower Study, or Book Study, having parts on the Service Meeting. Best Regards, all!
here's one of mine .... .
how about you?.
I do enjoy the1984 Band Aid classic, "Feed The World." I've enjoyed the many videos of the making of that piece of music that have been uploaded onto YouTube. I remember the first time that I heard that song on the radio, here in Southern California. It was late afternoon, on a December day, getting close to sunset. My work colleague and I were coming back from the company's warehouse, picking up a few file boxes to be brought back to the office. And, as we were going over a Southern California freeway, with a bright, colorful, orange/yellow sunset off in the distance---the kind of sunset that happens this time of year---the chorus of that song....Feed the world, was playing on a local radio station. Nice. I didn't really know what the song was, but I would come to know later that month, as the month progressed. Best Regards, all
happy winter solstice to all!
the solstice this year will be extra special because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the cold moon, and depending on your location, you might be able to see the ursid meteor shower to boot.. enjoy!
Thanks for the nice Solstice wishes.....But, one must remember, it is Happy Winter Solstice Day, for those of us who are in the Northern Hemisphere. For all of those who are in the Southern Hemisphere, it would be Happy SUMMER Solstice Day. Whatever. The Summer/Winter Solstice DID happen on the 21st of December. But, you know something, I've often wondered, What is it at the Equator, that imaginary dividing line that separates the two hemispheres of Earth? What is it there? Is it Winmer, perhaps? Or, Sumter? I wonder. Just a thought. And, during the Spring and Autumn periods, what is it along the Equator? Sprautumn? Autring? Who knows. Well, have a pleasant change of seasons, wherever you might be!
last week i suffered two heart attacks, first one occurred while i was at home, phoned for an ambulance which promptly arrived and whisked me off too hospital, docs decided i needed a stent and during the angioplasty i had a massive heart attack according to the doc that did it.
i was unaware as i was out.
but what i want to say is what an amazing organisation the nhs is.
Good to see that you are doing well, with the NHS-provided healthcare coverage that you have over there. You know, here in the U.S. there are so many people who have had what I call the "bootstraps mentality", the "bootstraps mindset." That is, the thought is that everyone should be able to just "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps." So, with regards to health-care coverage, the mindset has been that coverage should be a privilege, not a right. Health-care coverage should be ONLY for those persons who are able to afford to pay for it outright, or afford to pay for a health insurance policy. And, if you can't afford either one of those situations, then you're just SOL. And, I'm sure you know what "SOL" means. But, that's the United States for ya. (Or, SOME people in the United States) Oh, well. Best Regards, everyone.
i have never seen this country so divided.
something is going to give.
they is such a lack of recognition for the law.
You know, Folks, I'd somewhat like to see that happen in this country---the United States of America---sometime in my lifetime, before the Mother Ship returns and takes me back to the home planet in a galaxy that is far, far, away from here! I mean, it would be somewhat exciting to witness another "civil war" happen in this country. I would make for an exciting event, in my otherwise monotonous life here on this planet. But, I'll have to wait and see what happens.
Anyway, Mr. Minimus (I'm presuming that the title is "Mr."---correct me if I'm wrong) do you really, Really, REALLY think that Mr. Trump has actually worked, labored during his lifetime? Or, has he just had everything handed to him on a "golden spoon" or "golden plate" for all of his life? A few nights ago, I was watching an episode of "Frontline" on a local PBS station, regarding Trump's showdown,. And, it brought out the information that in his business dealings in his earlier years, he has had the "modus operandi" of INTIMIDATION. That's right---his method has been intimidation---he's been the "Master Intimidator" in order to get his way in business.
But, anyway, back to the "Civil War"---let it come. Let it happen! Best Regards, everyone.
i think trump will be the nominee for the republicans and the democrats... i have no clue.
i hope bernie sanders runs again and wonder if hillary would dare go for a rematch..
Well, whoever the Democratic Party---or, the Independent Party---or a third party---put up as the candidate---it is imperative that it is someone who can stand up to the absolute bullying that is Donald J. Trump. The man is by his nature and personality, the equivalent of a school-yard bully. So, I hope that the Democratic Party, or some other party, get it right in two years. But, hey, if the U.S. electorate want to have a bully continue as the President, then that's what they'll get. I don't see it, but I hope that that does not happen again. Best Regards
Music from Yanni. A couple of CDs/DVDs of his concerts, from recent years. . One CD/DVD combo is his concert in El Morro, Puerto Rico. Another is his concert in Egypt, right near the Pyramids. Very enjoyable music from that man.