Nope, did not drop out of high school. My parents insisted that I should at least finish high school and get my high school diploma. That was back in 1972. And, for the most part, I DID enjoy high school and did the best that I could.
But, a lot of my contemporaries at that time dropped out, with the idea of taking some of "correspondence school" to get their diploma. The mindset then was that school, even high school, would somehow "corrupt" a person, and hey, the "end" was so near. They had to spend the time preaching, and not waste time in high school.
But, you know what? For the most part, they never completed their correspondence school and obtained their diploma.
I remember going to a small congregation picnic, later that Summer after graduating, with those contemporaries of mine at the picnic. And, they all congratulated me for having graduated from high school. A lot of them admitted to me that they did not "like" school, not because of some corrupting influence, but they just didn't like one particular teacher. That was reason enough to quit school! Ah, well, such is life. Best Regards, all!