Interesting, thought-provoking thread, Mr. Minimus. But, with me, I am ambivalent about the United States of America. I have a blase, cavalier, attitude towards it. And, I was born here. I was born in California, 66.5 years ago. So, that makes me a U.S. Citizen. But, am I "proud" to be an American? Well, no. not really, any more than I am proud to be a Californian, or a Southern Californian, or an Orange Countian. They just happen to be geographical locations on Planet Earth that I was born in, and now reside in. I suppose that the reason that I am NOT jingoistic and "gung-ho" toward the country might be because over the years, for the past 40 years or so, I have become VERY jaded and cynical. So, there you have it, Folks. Best Regards, all....