Well, he'll probably start his own political party---The MAGA Trump Party. We'll see...Best Regards, Everyone.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
Well, he'll probably start his own political party---The MAGA Trump Party. We'll see...Best Regards, Everyone.
i think it should simply be there to help us citizens.
and besides giving money to other countries, stop giving money to the arts and entertainment..... give money to help taxpayers struggling with debt .
In reply to the question.....Nope. It should not be helping other countries. It should only be for assisting U.S. Citizens. And, U.S. businesses. That's all.
blondie, flipper, shirley w, where are you?
did this site get too republican for you?
i just take those threads with a grain of salt..
Thinking about "old posters", or, should I say, posters from long ago, I wonder what ever happened to "Billy The Ex-Bethelite" Maybe he decided to return to Bethel. Or not! Best Regards.
as a jw teenager in the 60's i took up smoking.
i gave up in my early 20's when my new wife and i decided , mistakenly, that it was a good idea to " make a proper go of da troof".
in all the intervening decades i still enjoyed the smell of a fine cigar.. when i left and became free, i took up smoking again, always fine cigars, and ended up hooked, and smoking ten or more a day.
Well, Hoooooly Smokes, Folks. (Oops, sorry about that juvenile pun) Anyway, in all my 66 years on the planet, I have NEVER had any desire to take up smoking. BUT---I have always enjoyed the AROMA of cigarette, cigar, and pipe tobacco smoke. Go figure that one out. I had relatives who smoked, who weren't JWs, and of course, in the business world, there were people who smoked. So, I always enjoyed the aroma that they had. Now, one thing that I absolutely CANNOT stand, is the smell---not aroma to me---the smell, the odor, of marijuana. And, I detest the smell of a person's breath who has just smoked a "joint." Eww....Yuck.....Putrid. Oh, well. Best Regards, All.
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
Smiddy3: Glad to be helpful, with my comments. And, since you are "down there" in Australia, I'll say---Happy beginning of Summer! (For you, a Southern Hemisphere resident)
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
Smiddy3: Well, where to begin...where? OK, I had the procedure in the middle of February of 2020. The operation took only about an hour, perhaps an hour and 15 minutes. I stayed in the hospital only one day, and that was it! The day after the procedure, a hospital physical therapist had me up and walking the hallways---with a walker device, and into the physical therapy room, where I could practice going up and down short stairs. And, by the end of the day, I was ready to be released to go home. I didn't experience much pain at all, almost a level of 1 if at all. I took about 6 weeks to recuperate. By the end of 6 weeks I was ready to drive a car again. And, there is no pain in that hip joint (the right one). I still experience some pain in the left hip, so I know that I'll probably have to have that one done sometime in early 2021. About twice a week, during the first 4 weeks, I had a physical therapist and an occupational therapist come to my residence, to have me do some exercises to help improve the healing processes. So, that helps. I'm not sure what country that you live in, Smiddy3, so I don't know what kind of insurance that you have. If you're 81, and live in the United States, you no doubt have Medicare. Or, if you are in the U.K., you probably have insurance coverage through your National Health Services. Take advantage of whatever services that you have, in your country.
One thing that I will mention: At the hospital, I was provided with some pain-killing prescriptions---with the admonition to use them ONLY IF THEY ARE NEEDED. If I did not need them, because of having a little bit of pain, then I was cautioned to not take any. One prescription drug that was given was Hydrocodone, which is an opioid-based drug. The second day, a nurse came by and asked if I was experiencing any pain. I told him, well, just a little bit. He had me take two pills of the Hydrocodone. That was a mistake. I didn't realize that even ONE pill can make a person drowsy. Just one. And, he had me take 2 of those puppies. So, my admonition is, if you are not experiencing any pain, or just a little---DO NOT TAKE ANY HYDROCODONE. Take only what pain-relieving medication that is needed for your own circumstances. Otherwise, the procedure was successful, in my case. Now, it's a matter of getting the left side done, sometime in early 2021.
Best Regards to You, and all of those who have responded to my OP
here is an interesting take.. https://www.facebook.com/pastorlocke/videos/2885572641768280/.
Desirous: That could be...that could be. I've been wondering about something. Come January 20th, 2021, will it be time to "SWAMP the DRAIN" instead of the other way around? We shall see. Best Regards, Everyone.
here is an interesting take.. https://www.facebook.com/pastorlocke/videos/2885572641768280/.
Has anyone heard of the concept of "The Divine Right of Kings"? A concept in which kings---or queens, for that matter---have some "divine right" to be in that position, having been "appointed" by some deity, some "god". Well, I do believe that Donald J. is/has been living with this delusional concept of "The Divine Right of Trump Presidents." In other words, some god, or deity has appointed him to the office of the President of the United States, and, by golly, he has the "divine right" to be the President for another 4-year term. And, nothing, no person, is going to keep him from that "divine right." Best Regards, all!
i don't think that it is too early to wish everyone a merry christmas and invite you all to join with me in sending festive greetings to everyone .
jan .
Well, Happy Festivus---the festival "for the rest of us", who don't celebrate any holidays! Best Regards, all!
i would think that the first thing to go for ex jws is the blood ban.
would you take a transfusion or give blood now!.
Mr. Minimus: You bring up an interesting subject. As far as donating blood, I know that with myself, I would be rejected as a donor. The reason why? Well, about 10 years ago, I worked for two weeks as a temporary clerk at local hospital here in SoCal, and my main duty was to work in the "volunteers department." I had to make telephone calls to persons who had in the past, been blood donors, and find out if they wanted to continue as a blood donor, at that hospital. One thing I learned from that was some people COULD NOT donate blood any more, because they were taking medication for some kind of personal medical condition, or, "malady". The hospital did not want people who were on any kind of medication, as a blood donor. Which is my situation too. All of those medications that you take, are in YOUR own blood stream, and if you donate blood, they will eventually get into someone else's bloodstream too; and you don't know what kind of reaction they will have as a result of "receiving" those meds into their blood system. Personally, I take medication to control hypertension, a heart medication, a medication to control cholesterol levels. So, I wouldn't be qualified to donate blood, because of the medications that I take.
Now, as far as receiving blood---If I was facing a procedure, I would want to store MY OWN BLOOD prior to the operation, and have my own blood put back into me, if it was needed. I feel VERY squeemish about having blood from another human being floating around inside of me. I just do. Oh, well, that's just me. Best Regards, everyone.