Garrett: Welcome to this Website. You've come to the right place to be, in discovering it. I hope that the comments from everyone on this site, will help and benefit you a lot! I convey to, my Best Regards...
Garrett: Welcome to this Website. You've come to the right place to be, in discovering it. I hope that the comments from everyone on this site, will help and benefit you a lot! I convey to, my Best Regards...
i'm not really sure as to what category that i should put this into, so i'll just try, and put it here.
this is based upon a posting that i saw and read on facebook recently.
and, the question is: what if life---as you know it---was just one big dream?
OK, thanks for the replies so far. And, Ucantnome, that is an interesting article. And, good advice Separation, to "be here now." Best Regards to everyone...
i'm not really sure as to what category that i should put this into, so i'll just try, and put it here.
this is based upon a posting that i saw and read on facebook recently.
and, the question is: what if life---as you know it---was just one big dream?
I'm not really sure as to what category that I should put this into, so I'll just try, and put it here. This is based upon a posting that I saw and read on Facebook recently. And, the question is: What if life---as you know it---was just one big dream? And, when you die, you wake up.
Hmmmm. Interesting concept. So, how would you feel if you woke up---after dying---and discovered that your entire life---your entire existence---had been just one huge dream?
Myself, I would say that it's been one hell of a dream. And, I must have been "tripping out" on some hallucinating mushrooms before going to sleep and "dreaming" all of THIS as happening.
How about you? What would you say? Best regards, everyone!
tell us a little about yourself and your family.
got myself in at age 13. one day i saw a leaflet on my door about babylon the great condemned by god and thats all it took.
i mailed a letter to the congregation listed on the flyer requesting a book study.
Yes, thank you, stan livedeath. It worked.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.
got myself in at age 13. one day i saw a leaflet on my door about babylon the great condemned by god and thats all it took.
i mailed a letter to the congregation listed on the flyer requesting a book study.
Village Idiot: (Which you are NOT): Well, I, myself, am totally baffled, flabbergasted...gobsmacked---as to how to send a PM to someone else, too!!! I haven't figured it out either. I guess that in time, things will all be "sorted out" on the new & improved site. It's easy enough to post a reply to someone---that's fairly easy, but I can't, like you, figure out how to send a PM to another user. It'll all come in time, I suppose. In the mean time, I'll keep your post in mind. Best Regards...
tell us a little about yourself and your family.
got myself in at age 13. one day i saw a leaflet on my door about babylon the great condemned by god and thats all it took.
i mailed a letter to the congregation listed on the flyer requesting a book study.
Well, don't consider yourself as an "idiot". You have expressed yourself in this post very well.
So, I am assuming, from your timeline, that you were born around 1960? Is that correct? If you were baptized at the age of 14 at Dodger Stadium, that was probably around 1974. I was there, too. So, we may have crossed paths somewhere in the corridors of D.S. Or, maybe not. Either way, thanks for your post, and Best Regards
is there anyone here currently living near la?
if so, can you send me a message?.
i wish i can meet others like me, that have woken up.. thanks!.
Hardtobeme: I am located in Orange County, also...Santa Ana, to be precise.
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
To tinker: How interesting. I'm sure that somewhere, WAAAAY back then in 1967, our paths probably crossed at the D.C. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Either for District Conventions, or Circuit Assemblies. Nowadays, I go to the Orange County Fair each Summer at the same Fairgrounds! But, my, how the Fairgrounds property has changed since 1967! Best Regards...
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
To tenyearsafter: Back in 1977, the Hollywood Park Race Track (in Inglewood) was used for District Conventions. I, myself, was there. The Race Track was used once again, during the Summer of 1979, for District Conventions. I've heard that the H.P.R.T. has either been demolished, or soon will be. The property was sold, and it's about to be demolished, or probably has been. (I haven't driven by the Race Track in years.) I enjoyed it as a venue for District Conventions, though---it was right under the flight path of Los Angeles International Airport, and you could see huge jets, like Boeing 747s, or DC-10s, or Lockheed TriStars on Final Approach to the runways over there. It was neat to watch them.
A side-note, kind of off-topic, but I'll mention it anyway:
I believe that the Race Track was used in the Summer of 1976, also. I had brought a multi-band radio receiver, that picked up the aviation frequencies, with me, in my car to the convention. After the session was over, I was in the car, listening to Los Angeles Tower on that radio. There was one airliner, that had turned onto Final Approach, and the pilot asked the Tower Controller, if he knew what was happening at the Race Track, as there were all kinds of cars in the parking lot, people milling about, but with no horse-races going on. The Controller replied, with, "I don't know either, maybe they are showing some kind of movie over there." True story! It got a little bit of a laugh out of me, at the time. If only the pilot and the Tower Controller REALLY knew.....
Best Regards to Everyone
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
OH, BTW, that was at a C.A.