Thank you, Mr. Finkelstein!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
Thank you, Mr. Finkelstein!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
I want to thank everyone who has read this post and responded. A little bit of background information as to why I posted this: I am 65 years old, soon to be 66. For the past almost 3 years, I have been "plagued" by the malady of osteoarthritis, of the hip joints. It all began in the right hip joint, in early 2017. And, for about the past 3 months or so---since September of 2019, the osteoarthritis has manifested itself in the left hip point. And, through x-rays and MRIs, it has been confirmed that it is indeed, osteoarthritis. That's why my primary care physician referred me to an orthopedic specialist near where I live. That doctor strongly advised me, urged me. to have the hip replacement procedure done, or else I'll probably end up in a wheelchair in the next 5 to 10 years. So, that's why I sought out in put from users of this forum. And, I do want to thank you for responding with your experiences. Your input has been welcomed. Thanks again. Best Regards, all!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
I'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so I'll just put it in the Physical Activities area. I just want to know if anyone on the Forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative. What was your experience, if it was you? Let me know, because this is something that I'll have to facing in the next month or so. Any input is welcome. Best Regards, all!
what i'm trying to do is ask what theists think god is like.. also--why is he invisible.. how big is he ?.
in fact--why is god a he--not a she.
or is he / she hermaphrodite ?.
As a figment of the imagination of human beings.
admit it, we all have things that we reel off when people ask what our favourite music is, just the same as if people ask what our favourite movies are.
we're meant to say "citizen kane" and "casablanca" and not "battleship" or "pacific rim" but we know what we're going to watch if they are ever on tv at the same time (and which ones we've never actually seen).. so how about some confession time?
what do you listen to when no one else is in the house?.
Well I wouldn't say that I'm embarrassed to say this....But, I DO enjoy the music of the Greek composer/keyboard musician...Yanni! Not afraid to say that at all! Best Regards, all!
buzz aldrin and neal armstrong landed on the moon and fulfilled jfk's ambitious goal.
i've watched some of the programming about the event.
i think the best was on pbs's "the american experience.
And, ,this is kind of related to the topic. If you want to watch a good movie, watch "Pontiac Moon", which stars Ted Danson, his wife, Mary (?) Steenburgen, and a child actor named Ryan Todd. It relates to the Moon landing, and father and son trying to get to the Spires of the Moon monument in an old Pontiac Chief. Great music in the movie, too! I recommend it! Best Regards.
buzz aldrin and neal armstrong landed on the moon and fulfilled jfk's ambitious goal.
i've watched some of the programming about the event.
i think the best was on pbs's "the american experience.
Yes, I sure do. I also, was 15 years old, the Summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years of high school. I mentioned this in another thread, but I had spent the final day of a 7-day International Assembly, at Dodger Stadium. My parents stayed home that day, to take care of my older niece, but I arrived home just in time to watch the TV broadcast of the event. It was interesting, to say the least. Best Regards, all
as you are completely barred from talking or being involved in politics while in the org, since leaving has anyone started any political campaigning or activism?
also what way would you lean?
Ah, but of course Mr. Bush said no "NEW" taxes. Nope, no new ones---just raise, or, increase, the OLD ones that are already on the books. Just sayin' Folks. Best Regards...
i dropped out with 3 months left to go of the 12th grade.
my uncle offed me a job and the end was only a few years away.
my mother even though she was dyed in the wool at the time said she would only go along with it if i took a correspondence course out of american correspondence school out of chicago.
Nope, did not drop out of high school. My parents insisted that I should at least finish high school and get my high school diploma. That was back in 1972. And, for the most part, I DID enjoy high school and did the best that I could.
But, a lot of my contemporaries at that time dropped out, with the idea of taking some of "correspondence school" to get their diploma. The mindset then was that school, even high school, would somehow "corrupt" a person, and hey, the "end" was so near. They had to spend the time preaching, and not waste time in high school.
But, you know what? For the most part, they never completed their correspondence school and obtained their diploma.
I remember going to a small congregation picnic, later that Summer after graduating, with those contemporaries of mine at the picnic. And, they all congratulated me for having graduated from high school. A lot of them admitted to me that they did not "like" school, not because of some corrupting influence, but they just didn't like one particular teacher. That was reason enough to quit school! Ah, well, such is life. Best Regards, all!
the last lines from the movie platoon.
"i think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us.
the war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days.
"Gentlemen, it has been a privilege flying with you."
Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell, to his fellow astronauts, just about to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, in Apollo 13.
"Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you, tonight."
The leader of the small band on board Titanic, just as time was running out for the ship, in Titanic.