Mr. Min.: You mentioned that there a lot of people who "like his personality." If they do, I have to ask..."Why? Why do you like his personality? Myself, I don't like his personality. I do not appreciate or like his abrasive, snarky personality. There was a President in our country's past who advocated that America should be a "kinder and gentler America." I'm sure you know who I mean. I do not see America as being a kinder and gentler country right now.
Having said that, as I stated in a previous post, I am strongly thinking of just riding this election out, regarding voting for President. I might just vote for a Green Party Candidate, or a Peace & Freedom Party Candidate...and see where the ball bounces...and see how the cookie crumbles. The Candidates from the major parties seem to me to be unacceptable this year. Oh, well. Best Regards, all.