An interesting quotation there, "We have not the gift of prophecy." But---you DID HAVE the gift of "erroneous expectations, and erroneous predictions." THOSE gifts you did have. Best Regards, everyone.
you couldn't make it up!
saw this wt quote on a friend's page.
it is from the awake magazine of 1993, march 22nd apparently.
An interesting quotation there, "We have not the gift of prophecy." But---you DID HAVE the gift of "erroneous expectations, and erroneous predictions." THOSE gifts you did have. Best Regards, everyone.
today is my 51st anniversary.
of going to prison.. i was 20 years old.
i stood before district judge leo brewster and made a plea of "guilty".
WingCommander: I could be wrong on this, but from what I have read here on the Site, it is my understanding that Anthony Morris served in the Armed Forces---in Vietnam---before he became a JW. Maybe I am wrong on this, so could someone out there clarify this for me and others who are reading.
Be that as it may---the experience that Terry had with the draft, and his being sentenced to prison underscores in my mind of just how screwed up society and the justice system was, back in the 1960s, here in the United States. I mean, a young gentleman---of 20 years old---refusing to be inducted into the Armed Forces---and refusing to accept so-called "alternative service". Why , in the eyes of the justice system, such a person has committed a gross, evil, despicable, disgusting crime against society, and they deserve to be punished by having their freedom taken away---incarcerated in a prison for "x" numbers of years. Yeah, right, United States justice system. But, yeah, that was the mindset back then, in the 1950s and 1960s.
On a related side-note, during the past couple of years, I have learned something from watching an episode of the PBS series, "American Experience." The episode was about President Woodrow Wilson, and the entry of the US into the "Great War", aka, World War I, which was during Wilson's term of office. During that war there was a religious group here in the US, the Hutterites, who refused to be inducted into the Armed Forces, and their male members who refused military service were treated very harshly, being imprisoned in Leavenworth Prison. And, they were treated very brutally in that prison. Once again, a "stain" upon the history of the United States. Best Regards, to all, and Best Regards to you, Terry, wherever you might be.
in 1923 i almost died.. allow me to explain .... .
i wouldn't exist for another 24 years ...but.
for a few seconds, on top a building, my grandfather, jack hybarger, stood with tears running down his cheeks and a small caliber pistol in his right hand.
Mr. Terry: That was a very-well written essay. Very good. Perhaps you should have titled it: "I was almost NOT in existence." You know. that could be said for millions of people. Existence has depended upon a very thin line of events that happened...or DID NOT happen. Best Regards to you.
stumbled upon this article - not that the wt society ever highlighted the date of 1975, but that was brothers running ahead... .
w68 8/15 pp.
494-501. .
Thinking back to 1975...If you were a Witness back then, and thinking about the 6 or 7 months that lead up to October 1975. Say, around March, April, May of 1975. Was there anything---ANYTHING---that was happening on the global scene, that would have lead you to believe, that Hey, yeah, the Society is right. The "Great Tribulation" is going to be here very soon, and after that has ended, Armageddon! And, then, the "New System" Was there anything happening that would have made you believe that? Best Regards, all...
hey oldsters, remember the tv series from the sixties?
david janssen was born to play that part.
i was 7 when it first aired.
Yep, sure do remember "The Fugitive". As a little bit of trivia, the final episode in which Kimball confronts the One-Armed Man, was filmed at an amusement park in Santa Monica, CA, called Pacific Ocean Park. I, along with my brother and dad, went to P.O.P a few times, the last time being in May of 1967. We watched the final episode in a hotel room in Bakersfield California. My parents and I, along with my brother, were returning from a camping trip near Yosemite National Park. It was getting late, and my dad didn't want to "push on" to Southern California. So, knowing that we REALLY wanted to watch the episode, found a hotel in Bakersfield, and stayed the night. So, that's where we watched it. Best Regards, all.
with just a little over a month left, do you think there are many undecideds?
Mr. Min.: You mentioned that there a lot of people who "like his personality." If they do, I have to ask..."Why? Why do you like his personality? Myself, I don't like his personality. I do not appreciate or like his abrasive, snarky personality. There was a President in our country's past who advocated that America should be a "kinder and gentler America." I'm sure you know who I mean. I do not see America as being a kinder and gentler country right now.
Having said that, as I stated in a previous post, I am strongly thinking of just riding this election out, regarding voting for President. I might just vote for a Green Party Candidate, or a Peace & Freedom Party Candidate...and see where the ball bounces...and see how the cookie crumbles. The Candidates from the major parties seem to me to be unacceptable this year. Oh, well. Best Regards, all.
on the 18th of september i turned in my disassociation letter in to the tigard congregation, 19 years ago.. my son turned in his letter in november 2001, 19 years ago shortly after me.
he was 21 years old.. two days ago we were working together on a wrap for his a/c unit on his bus.. out of blue, he says "i still miss it dad.
not the religion.
1234: Interesting post. But, I must ask, "One constellation? I know you probably meant "one consolation." As you probably know, a constellation is a grouping of stars. Maybe you had astronomy on your mind when you wrote the posting. Astronomy is an an interesting subject to get into! Best Regards
i know the usa is not perfect.
there have always been social issues and differences.
politics has been for many people divisive.
Interesting, thought-provoking thread, Mr. Minimus. But, with me, I am ambivalent about the United States of America. I have a blase, cavalier, attitude towards it. And, I was born here. I was born in California, 66.5 years ago. So, that makes me a U.S. Citizen. But, am I "proud" to be an American? Well, no. not really, any more than I am proud to be a Californian, or a Southern Californian, or an Orange Countian. They just happen to be geographical locations on Planet Earth that I was born in, and now reside in. I suppose that the reason that I am NOT jingoistic and "gung-ho" toward the country might be because over the years, for the past 40 years or so, I have become VERY jaded and cynical. So, there you have it, Folks. Best Regards, all....
i noticed recently.
there was an item in the news on some terrible / horrific child pornography in germany.
really disgusting to hear what these people were doing with children as young as a few months.
Lancelink: Welll, that's a possibility. Good point. At any rate, continuing with my comment from yesterday, about the person at the Karl's Jr. restaurant. I don't know what kind of vehicle that he came to the restaurant in. But, if he came in a car, or van, or truck, or motorcycle, or even a mo-ped....I wonder if he offered up a "thanksgiving" prayer before pumping gasoline into its fuel tank at a gas station? If yes, then...Why? Did the deity somehow "miraculously" make the fuel supply in the tanks that are underground at the gas station, appear? Nope, that's not how it got there. It was brought there by the driver of a tanker truck/trailer, and pumped into the underground tanks for that driver. Well, just my musings...Best Regards
i miss listening and dancing to live music on a weekend night.. i miss going into a crowded mall store to window shop.. i miss going out into public and not having to wear a mask.. i miss seeing people freely mingle on a busy street or sidewalk.. what a difference a year makes!.
I miss the local County Fair, in the county where I live; the County Fair Board, back in March, decided to cancel it. (It was the "highlight" of Summer, for me) I also miss some of the local home-town parades that had to be cancelled. Oh well.....Best Regards to all.