I'll add to my comment, That yes, the votes should be VERIFIED.
Posts by titch
How Do You Think Election Votes Should Be Counted?
by minimus indo you think voters should be required to prove that they are legitimate?.
How Do You Think Election Votes Should Be Counted?
by minimus indo you think voters should be required to prove that they are legitimate?.
Mr. Minimus: Do you mean, that their votes are legitimate, by proving that they are U.S. Citizens? You know. I thought that a person had to prove that they were a U.S. Citizen when they first registered to vote. At least, I remember that's what I had to do when I registered. As I recall, at the bottom of the Registration Form, there was a statement that I declared, under penalty of perjury, that I WAS a United States Citizen, and that I WAS 18 years of age or older. Now, how the State of California went about proving that, I don't know. But if need be, I do have a copy of my Birth Certificate, to prove to the authorities, that I was born in a city in Southern California, in 1954.
Now, if that's what you meant, then, Yes, proof of casting a legitimate vote should be required.
Rush Limbaugh Is Dead
by minimus inthe conservative icon rush limbaugh passed away today.
he had lung cancer and finally succumbed to the disease.
what is sad and disgusting is how some people are happy and thrilled that he is gone.
Mr. Minimus: Well, during the course of his radio shows, he had several so-called "updates" every day on his show. Such as the "AIDS Update", the "Homeless Update", the "Animal Rights Update", etc. And, Queequeg, I am assuming that you were being merely facetious with your comment. Because, wasn't he being tasteful and compassionate with his attitude about the actor Michael J. Fox's experience with the malady of Parkinson's disease? Yeah, right.....Best Regards, everyone.
Rush Limbaugh Is Dead
by minimus inthe conservative icon rush limbaugh passed away today.
he had lung cancer and finally succumbed to the disease.
what is sad and disgusting is how some people are happy and thrilled that he is gone.
Well, OK, he has demised...he has now "assumed room temperature." (That's a phrase that I heard him use, several times.) But, am I thrilled or happy that he is gone? No. I am ambivalent to his passing. Personally, I NEVER, EVER found the man to be "entertaining." I can think of many other radio and TV personalities whose passing I would mourn much more, than his. To me, his existence---or non-existence...on this planet---meant nothing to me. I did not "value" his product---his radio persona---his "schtick", if you will.
A few months ago, on a different "thread" on this Site, I mentioned something. Here in Southern California, he was heard on Radio Station KFI, starting around 1988. And, he was introduced to the radio listening audience by another KFI talk-show host, Tom Leykis, an admitted liberal-minded host on the station at the time. Now, the day after Rush's introductory show on KFI, I heard Leykis tell his listening audience, that he and Rush had gone to dinner the night before, after Leykis' show was over. And, during that dinner, according to Leykis, Limbaugh said to Tom that he, Rush Limbaugh, was perpetrating the "biggest scam" on the radio audience, and was "getting away with it." So, ever since then, I have often wondered, Just what was that "big scam" that he was getting away with? Was Rush Limbaugh really not the person that he claimed to be? Hmmmm....maybe, maybe. But, I'll never know Oh, I have my own ideas, but I'll never know.
Now, Folks, you can take what I have just written for whatever it's worth....But, that is what I distinctly heard Tom Leykis say regarding Rush Limbaugh, back in 1988.
On a different note, I have mentioned before that I am a licensed Amateur Radio Operator---licensed in 1986. Now, as a person who is interested in electronic communications, and radio in general, I marvel at the technology that enables ANY radio personality to "syndicate" their radio show to hundreds of radio stations across the country, whether I agree with the personality or not. It's MAGIC! Best Regards...
How Many Masks Will You Wear?
by minimus inthere are recommendations that we should start doubling up on masks.
some have even suggested that tripling masks would even be better!
what’s your opinion of wearing numerous masks?
Well, only one...at a time. I have several in my possession. But, one at a time is enough for me. Oh well. Best Regards...
Do You Think Trump Is Done?
by minimus incertain forces appear to be trying to make sure donald trump never runs for president again.
some republicans are clearly abandoning trump and of course the democratic press has been saying trump is done!
is trump’s goose cooked?
Well, Mr. Donald J may or may not be done, as far as trying to run for President again. But---the question in my mind is....in four years, will the American citizens, the American electorate, be DONE with him???? We shall see. Best Regards, all
What “Secret Sins” Do You Think Many JWs Are “Guilty “ Of?
by minimus ini know a lot of witnesses that drink a lot!
secret sins people would confess to the elders were masturbation, dating and touching certain areas and anger issues.
some fathers/husbands looked like model figures until you heard from the family that the dictator ms were horrible at home in more ways than one..
Smiddy3: In other words, the policy is or was.....Don't ask...don't tell. Best Regards
Profanity on Surrey Kingdom Hall
by lssjr inif it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
Well, whatever was written---spray-painted---on private property---for whatever reason---I'll call it for what it is Criminal vandalism. Best Regards, Everyone.
Do You Support Trump Being Impeached Again?
by minimus init looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
No, I don't support the idea of having Mr. Trump impeached again. What purpose would it serve? For my own reasons, I did not vote for either Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump. But, what purpose would it serve, to impeach Donald J. again? I mean, the man has until January 20th to be the President. Let him have his full, 4-year term of office, and let it end at that.
BTW, I don't mean to be "nitpicking" here, or be the Grammar Police. Or....maybe I do. But, I noticed in the thread, there have been some people who misuse the word "capital." Remember, Folks, the word "capital" can be a noun or an adjective. Capital can refer to uppercase letters, accumulated wealth, or the CITY that serves as the seat of a country's or state's government. For example, Washington D.C. is the capital city of the United States; Sacramento, CA is the capital city of California. Now then, a capitol is a building in which the legislative body of government meets. Here in the U.S., the Capitol Building is the building in which the U.S. Congress meets. So, that is where the "civil unrest" happened last Wednesday. At the Capitol, or, Capitol Hill.
Just thought you'd all like to know....Best Regards.
How Life May have Started on This Planet Without YHWH
by fulltimestudent insome may be interested in this research from the scripps research institute.. this research and its conclusion builds on previous work, quote: "in a study published in the chemistry journal angewandte chemie, they demonstrated that a simple compound called diamidophosphate (dap), which was plausibly present on earth before life arose, could have chemically knitted together tiny dna building blocks called deoxynucleosides into strands of primordial dna.. the finding is the latest in a series of discoveries, over the past several years, pointing to the possibility that dna and its close chemical cousin rna arose together as products of similar chemical reactions, and that the first self-replicating molecules -- the first life forms on earth -- were mixes of the two.".
read more at this science daily web-site .... link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/12/201228095428.htm.
Pistolpete, and Magnum: Interesting concepts that you both offer to us. Best Regards...