Actually, there are 4---
1. Those who are seeing no evil...
2. Those who are hearing no evil...
3. Those who are speaking no evil...
4. And, Those who are browsing the Internet
So there! Best Regards to All
as a rule, there are 3 types.
one is the dramatic over the top person where a hangnail means you might have to get your finger cut off.. the second type is —who me, worry?
i’m not going to let too much of anything bother me unless it really is armageddon.. the third type is the person in between.
Actually, there are 4---
1. Those who are seeing no evil...
2. Those who are hearing no evil...
3. Those who are speaking no evil...
4. And, Those who are browsing the Internet
So there! Best Regards to All
something i've noticed is that marriage was the thing for those born before 2010. but today's culture of divorce laws slanted to favor women has forced men to think carefully before signing the marriage certificate.
most of my friends have no intentions of getting married.
all of them have gotten vasectomies, so there is no chance of being blamed for a pregnancy.
Well, this post and discussion emphasize the importance of drawing up a "prenuptial agreement" before entering into marriage, and both parties signing the prenuptial agreement before the marriage. Everything should be written out and understood by both parties, BEFORE the marriage. Best Regards.....
the past two weeks several ufo sightings.
navy and pentagon confirm sightings.
us military is worried because the technology being used to drive these air vehicles are showing no signs of any sort of jet fuel.
I do believe that it would turn ALL religious systems on Earth, on their collective heads. I mean, why haven't any of their so-called "holy books", "holy writings" mentioned anything about this, about their existence "out there"??? Best Regards, Everyone.....
has the flu vanished?
has it been replaced by covid?
no one is talking about making sure you get you flu shots.
Well, Mr. Minimus, I do believe that the "ailment" called "flu" is still around and kickin'. As recently as just this past Fall, my pharmacist asked me if I wanted to get the flu vaccination shot---which I did---even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening. Just thought I'd mention it. So, pharmacists are still talking about if. Best Regards....
do humans have the right to live on this planet?
we have, in much less than a century, managed to fill the earth with so much plastic waste that tiny fragments of plastic have been found on the highest mountains and the deepest ocean depths.
not satisfied with doing that, we stupidly continue to do it.
Ummm, Sea Breeze: That number is 500,000,000 (Five-Hundred Million) not 500,000 (Five-Hundred Thousand) Just thought I'd mention it. Best Regards
whether you are in the usa or another country, are you for it or against it?.
Well, I do think that all countries will have to have borders, and borders that are NOT completely open. I mean, by having borders, it's a country's way of saying, Hey, this is OUR territory, our turf, our "real estate" and the only way that you can come in is by doing it in a legal way.
Now, this post reminds me of something that I heard the Greek keyboardist musician, Yanni, say to his audience at the "Live At The Acropolis" concert, that he performed in 1993. (BTW, that CD was the very first album of his that I bought, and I appreciate and enjoy his music very much!) Anyway, about half way through his concert, he stated that he has become friends with several Space Shuttle astronauts, who said that as they were orbiting Earth, looking down, it's very hard to "make out" the different countries that are below them. And, that's because the "boundary lines" do not exist, they are not visible, from space. The boundary lines are put there by humans and printed on maps, but are "imaginary". And, Yanni went on to say that he foresaw a time in the future, when there would no longer be any national boundaries, because, we, as the human race, are "all one." That's a nice, "idealistic" sentiment, Yanni, but I don't think that it will happen for a loooooong, time. But, isn't that the mindset of JWs, that some time in the future, the Earth will be just one, big, global Paradise planet, and there won't be any national boundaries any more? Yeah, something like that.....Best Regards, All
fist of all my first language is not english so i apologise for any mistakes.i am 17 my whole family is jw.i am so sick of this i cry all the time i wasted my teen years doing nothing, no friends, no parties, no going out, no fun.i am scared for my life because if i tell them they will kick me out, i have no money to move out.i am curentlly studying the bible with my mom just because i am scared to tell her that i dont want to.please help me with some advice im life depends on this......
To truth_b_known: Your thoughts there are reminiscent of the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, who, in an article written by him back in 1979 said: "There is no way to happiness, because happiness is the way." The late Dr. Leo Buscaglia used to use that quotation at the end of his lectures to large audiences. Thanks for reminding us of that concept.
hi friends i`ve finally got an appointment to go to hospital tomorrow ,pre-admission for my hip replacement surgery.. so if you don`t hear from me ever again ,it means i`ve carked it .lol, should i even joke about that ?.
so its goodnight from me till who knows when ?.
Good for you, Smiddy3, good for you. I don't know what kind of health insurance and health care system that you have over there in Australia, but I'm sure that you'll do fine. About a month ago we had some correspondence regarding my own HRS. I am still "debating in my mind" as to when to have the other hip surgery done. My first "order of business" over here is to get the corona virus vaccination done, and then, I'll concern myself with the left hip done. Best Regards!
the conservative icon rush limbaugh passed away today.
he had lung cancer and finally succumbed to the disease.
what is sad and disgusting is how some people are happy and thrilled that he is gone.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this before, but there is one thing that I "took away" from Rush's show, years ago. It involves fortune cookies, that you can get at a "Chinese food" restaurant. I call it "The Limbaugh Method of Reading Fortune Cookie Fortune Strips." This was many years ago, but on one show I heard him tell about how you can put a whole, new "twist" on a fortune strip, but adding two simple words, at the end of your strip. And, those two words are: "In bed." That's right, "in bed." Try that some time, next time you get a fortune cookie, and read the strip inside. (Oh, I suppose that you COULD any two words that you want to, such as, "At home", or "at work", or "at school." But, try the other words that I mentioned.)
At any rate, since this OP is about a radio talk-show host who has recently demised, I have a certain book that might be of interest to people out there. Its title is: "Inside Talk Radio: America's Voice Or Just Hot Air?" The book was written by Peter Laufer, who has spent his entire career in radio and TV broadcast journalism, including being, himself, a host of a talk-radio show; so the book was written from the perspective of a radio personality, not an "outsider." I bought it at a nearby discount-price book store 18 years ago. Have fun with the "fortune" cookies.
do you think voters should be required to prove that they are legitimate?.
And, just being facetious here...Should we prove that we are legitimate human beings, and, not, as the Captcha system asks, that we are not a humanzee? You know, sometimes I think that I AM a humanzee, a hybrid human/chimpanzee. Oh, well....