The fist thing was the subliminal pictures (demonic faces) in the Watchtower publications basically the Live for Ever book.
I was shocked with the picture showing Christ having a demon in he's head, and king Saoul when he went to get council from dead Samuel. Just by looking that picture I was getting upset.
I remember when we were with some other young brothers (back in 1991) and we were talking about this matter. It was a shocking experience. After few days the elders found out that we had this discussion, and they called us.
One elder he was like possesed. He was shouting on us and he was trembling. He said that the puplications of the watchtower are okey, and these are the slandering words of the apostates, trying to hurt the organization.
I didnt like hes behavior and still I was looking for an answer...Well internet came into our lives, and many answers I got from "apostates" :) The fact that not only Live for Ever but almost most of the publications have subliminals, has confirmed to me what i was afraid...that this is not the 'truth"
Even I can still look out in the Watchtower magazine and I trace subliminal pictures. I like doing this in the study...