As a youngster raised in the "truth", I had my questions. But anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on Jehovah. As time passes, I believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about EVERYTHING. Some here have had something very definitive happen to them to jar their thinking. What was it that got you to take a real serious, hard look at your religion?
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus 102 Replies latest jw friends
The first inkling I got was when I was a little girl and 1975 came and went.
I was also raised in it, and had the great misfortune to be raised by parents who actually believed the manure dealt about the "worldwide association of brothers" and being willing to give your life for another, etc. The everyday squabbles attributed to "human imperfections" slid by, but then I experienced first hand one of the witch hunts that so many others have been through at the hands of these "true" christians. While all of this was going on, these same people were continuing to preach ad nauseum the above material. After that the questions just didn't stop coming.......
all of the abuse,,,,,,,
I cant select one point alone because there were several questions working on my mind at the same time.
But one in particular that was important too me and I found particularly disturbing was the way the Governing Body would expect you to do what the Watchtower said as if it was a command from God,having inspirational weight ,but when it came to accepting responsibility for mistakes,false prophecies etc they would quickly back off and talk about being imperfect humans and even blame the rank and file,like it was the words of men,so in other words,they want the mantle but not the responsibility.
They wanted it both ways.
My son asked me why in the My Bible Stories book it said the rainbow Noah saw as part of the "Rainbow" covenent was the First rainbow. Told him to look it up and he pointed out that it didn't say anything about it being the first rainbow in the Bible. When he asked an elder, he tried to defend the book's reasoning instead of going to what the Bible said. That then caused me to question everything that was taught.
So, maybe children do see things more clearly than us old "drones"?????????????
I'm just smart enough for doublethink, so I, too, believed not only the crap they dealt out but all the rationalizations and retractions. I was one of the few who understood "why 1975 was not The Year" on the first go-round. (Basically: the "seventh day of creation," which ends in Armageddon, the 1000-year reign, etc., did not start until Eve's creation, date unknown.)
WhenIf nosyparkers ask if I was stumbled by someone's conduct, I say, "Yes: my own!" It's the literal truth.See, we moved into this trailer park, and one of the nicest people there was someone who had about four strikes against him, biblically: a transvestite with wife and children who belonged to a fundmentalist church. He was a proud and happy transvestite, too, and sat out in front of his trailer in dress and wig teaching his children astronomy on clear nights. (He had a telescope almost as big as he was.)
So I was writing to a jaydub friend about all my interesting new neighbors and realized: I can't write about him, she'll be shocked and question my spirituality. (She was a fairly liberal jaydub, too, and one of the few I still miss.) Then I started thinking about all the worldlings around me and how much I had been taught to hate them, and how well I had learned to do that.
I realized that I was possessed by a demon of obedience (as a Pentecostal might put it) -- that the more obedient I got, the farther away I got from the Golden Rule.
"This isn't what Jesus meant," I thought. "And this isn't what I signed up for."
Shortly after, I told Jehovah, in my last prayer, that I was never going out in service again.
Then it occurred to me, "If this is the true religion, it's still making me a liar."
And then I promised myself, "As soon as I can find another church where I'm free and safe, I'll leave."
Y'all have heard the rest of the story before.
Guest 77
Were all subject to mistakes and change. When the org. refuses to admit to their erring doctrines and policies and refuses to being helpful and forgiving of my wrongs,I became history.
Guest 77
About 5 years ago I started asking the elders A-LOT of questions about socialtal teachings that made little scriptual sense.
I guess those elders interpreted my sincere questions as QUESTIONING THE SOCIETY, a BIG NO-NO in dubdom.
Anyway, I had a-lot of responsibilities in the hall because I wanted to help my brothers and sisters.
After awhile however, the brothers began "removing" me from my duties one by one. Wt reader, mag serv., teritory serv., mikes, sound etc., all began to go away.
After putting in ALL that effort I just KNEW people were looking at me and wondering why I was just SITTING there , not doing anything.
I even stopped answering at all meetings cause I knew I was being punished for doing the evil question asking.
So, it was the punishment thing that got me turned off and then I found the net. LOL.
The first thing that made me wonder about the organization was the crappy way people were treated in the congregations.
Things really got rolling, though, when a couple I was conducting a Bible study with went to hear Bill and Joan Cetnar speak.