That is really really nice....THEY ARE RUNNING OUT FROM MONEY...isn't this such a wonderful news?
I liked the part of the increasing numbers in the congregations....since when dicrease is culculated as increase?
it looks like the wt is running out of money fast.
few weeks ago we had the co visit and he told us in the ms and elders meeting that he had never seen a letter from the gb like this one, but then he went ahead and read it.
the letter basically said: "the contributions are down and there is more people in the congregation.
That is really really nice....THEY ARE RUNNING OUT FROM MONEY...isn't this such a wonderful news?
I liked the part of the increasing numbers in the congregations....since when dicrease is culculated as increase?
in attending the apostafest this weekend in south lake tahoe it became apparent to me that we all held a common bond in getting out of the jehovah's witnesses cult ; and yet many of us made our escape to freedom in different ways !
some people stopped going to meetings cold turkey, like myself, something just clicks in you after the buildup over years of tension and abuse of justice - just couldn't take it anymore !
other people do a slow gradual fade , some get dfed, or dissassociate, some even get their families out with them, some are the only members of their family who have exited the cult.
Nice subject Mr Flipper.....The most hard thing it is when you are born JW, your family and ALL of your relatives are JWs, and all your friends.
In my case I'm completely alone..after being disfellowshiped 3 years ago I find it hard, to continue with my new life. I have separated, plus I have 2 children in that cult. They are small in age, but relatives, plus my ex-wife are doing there best to turn them into robots. It is such a huge power they hold and being the only one who dared to "leave" God's Organization and becoming an apostate was a shock to them.
As you know I dind't finished High School I quit just before the exams of the final 6th grade to become a pioneer....(shit I hate how WT treat youths). At the age of 40 I do wanna go back and do my final exams to get my diploma. Unfrotunately the finnancial difficulties I'm in, do not allow me to do that, since I work a lot. WT knows how to trap people in many ways. Finnancialy, emotionaly, pshycologicaly.
I know I'm free, but I know that in no way I will abuse that freedom, because it is the freedom in Christ I enjoy.
I'm a kind of trap in situations that I see no way out. I can't get married again, in fact I do not wish for many reasons. I have 2 kids, plus I cannot support a new family since my financial status is shit. I want to get my diploma, I recall when my classmates before 24 years came to me and they were crying(they loved me so much since I was a pleasant person)and asked me to come and finish my exams. Ever since very often I see them in my dreams over and over. Specially I can't forget the tears of a very special classmate, that she was asking me to finish the school. She passed way few years ago, and she was only 35. We were close friends and there was pure love between us. I see her now many times in my dreams and she is still asking me to do my exams.
I'm glad that I left that mind destructive cult. I'm happy that I found Jesus, and I have received they real baptism in the Orthodox Apostolic Church. I'm happy because I know I'm sinner, and through Jesus grace I'm saved. I'm happy because I do have friends that they love me for what I'm, and that I have the privellage to have friends from all over the world in this forum that we have been through the same pain.
I have peace on mind, I have learned to accept people, and not to judge them. I know I have a long way to go, but whatever Jesus decides for me I will accept it. I'm only asking Him to give Wisdom and guidance to endure my hardships...
So let it be, let it be there will be answer let it be
i remember when i was a kid in "the truth.
there was an elderly sister that had a heart attack during the meeting.
she made loud gasping sounds as she was holding on for dear life.
That is realy amazing SHAWN
You offered helped and they refuse it....such a banch of assholes...indeed they acted with ignorance, you don't move a person when it falls down, you provide CPR at the spot until the Ambulance arrives. It is a rule-NEVER TO MOVE AN INJURED OR A PERSON WITH A HEART ATTACK...
They are so EVIL AND PATHETIC..They think because they are "elders"they KNOW everything and their knowledge is beyond limits...
But what would happened if a disfellowshiped person needs CPR at the Kindom Hall??? I'm sure they would let the person die...and here a stroy of what happened to a disfellowshiped person that started feeling dizzy, a brother saw her goes near her and gives her water to drink. then she helped her to stand and took her to the hospital...this brother was no fanatic JW and he was compasionate person
At the Kindom Hall there was an elder a doctor, and he didn't moved from his place to give a helping hand....they are so evil
after losing the wimbledon championship to her sister venus, serena williams was being interviewed on the court yesterday, and here is part of what she said: "i thank my god jehovah for being out here".. okay, so according to her words, jehovah blessed her by allowing her to be there to participate in a competitive sports championship match.
and not just any match.
Well many of us weren't so lucky like Serena to thank Jehovah due to the WT. I quit a music for pioneering.........
By the way she is SO HOT AND SEXY....She doesn't read the WT's magazine regarding the modest Christian dressing, and for sure she doesn't look at all the pictures of how should JW women should dressed...
But as Apostle Paul said, "money(love) will cover multitude of sins"
You give money to the WT and everything is forgiven
just read this today: . .
an education authority is investigating claims that two school pupils were punished for refusing to kneel down and pray to allah during a religious education lesson.
I agree with you Gill, regarding the one world goverment. I wasn't believing that this was real, but this it seems it is happening. The NWO indeed exist. That is why we see Cults like JW's,Mormons, Unification Church, Scientology.
I recall when I was JW, that they were trying to eliminate our past. Specially our Greek history, and Christian heritage. And if you look at WT's theology it is a kind of Hebrew, kind of Christian, and kind of Muslim. I can tell the same with the Mormons
Once an elder said to us that the LANGUAGE OF THE TRUTH IS ENGLISH, because first the WT is printed in English!!!!!!!
I was really shocked...shit I wasn't clever enough at that time for my awakening. I mean the Christian Gospel was spread due to the Hellenic Language and Civilazation through the Roman Empire, the New Testament was written in Greek, and a guy comes to tell us that the LANGUAGE OF THE TRUTH IS ENGLISH!!!! HOW OUTRAGEOUS
I recall once in the field service when I was "witnessing"to muslim he said show me a book regarding Trinity(because we agree that it was wrong)and he said that they took many contexts from the WT'S Trinity book!!! We had more in common things with the Muslims as JW's ruther than the rest of the Christians!!!
I guess this is what the NWO is targeting, a religion that will be acceptable from all....
just read this today: . .
an education authority is investigating claims that two school pupils were punished for refusing to kneel down and pray to allah during a religious education lesson.
Perhaps is about time to ask the rights of the Christians in the Muslims countries, and then start to give them rights....
If a muslim converts to Christian(countries like Iran, Saudia Arabia,)just to mention a few then the penalty is DEATH...
Or perhaps we should see what muslims done to the Christians in Turkey, 1.5 Million Armenias slaughtered, 0.5 Millions Greek slaughtered, in 1955 the Turkish goverment lead to refuge thousands of Greeks living in Constantinoupole for thousands of years, or the destruction of the Eclesiastical heritage by the Turkish troops in Cyprus in 1974. Churches of from the early Christian era turned into stables, toilets, even clubs.
Perhaps we should ask the muslims if they accept in their country to build a Christian Church for the Christian to worship their God? Indeed to much tolerance from Europe leads to more damaging results...Instead to support our Christian heritage as Europeans, they are only thinking the rights of the muslims. What about my rights? Why in Europe they are trying to vanish the teaching of Christianity in schools?
I have seen from first hand how do muslims act. Slowly, methodic, until they get what they want, and the they proceed with the next target. Specially I 'm really pissed off when they are trying in Europe to make me ingnore my 2000 year old Christian history. No I will not back, I will stand against those idiots who think that with these way is better. If you don't know your enemy then you are in deep trouble.
At this moment we have problems due to Muslims in Europe. Countries like France, Germany, Holland, England, are facing huge problems due to Muslims
I do not support any violence, or phobia against any religion or race. But there are some dead lines that we should seriously consider in order to prevent future unpleasant events
my son called me yesterday, first time in probably 6 weeks, because he lost his car keys, the car is in my name, so i had to get another set from the dealership.
anyways, it doesn't really matter what he called about, it was just in 6 weeks he only calls because he needs something, not a peep before that (very hurtful).
a brother drove him to my office and it was quittin time so i went outside with him and gave him the keys, i was hurt and didn't say much to him.
I know how it is, and how hurtfull it is, I face this everyday, plus I was not allowed to attend to my daughters wedding...they are so pathetic people
yup each one of were part of my world wide brotherhood.
i knew with confidence you'd be studying what i was and no matter where i went i'd be 'welcomed' as one of you.
so brothers and sisters now what?
You know Loubelle I think many of us feel the same regarding this forum. I feel the same and I take the opportunity to thank you personal plus Tom Cabeen, Mr Flipper, BurnTheShips, just to name a few friends I have on this forum.
No matter were we end up in faith, some they have turned Atheist, or Agnostics, or they just believe in Christ, joined another religion, still we all have a common bond. The trauma of the WT Cult in our lives, and in fact, although it is sound so strange I must admit, WT is unifying us...
We all have lost relatives, friends, some their children or grand children due to WT tactics of shunning. We all were part of that destructive mind control cult, and we all have the same fears. We all know that we will curry the pain, the trauma of being once a part of the WT, but one way or another we continue with our lifes, and never forget that past
On my case I consider all of you my brothers and sisters, although I'm Christian Orthodox, and I find more comfort here than anywere else, but still doesn't matter for me,and strangely I do call all my JWs friends like that.
I have learned not to critisize others for their faith, accept them they way they are(although we have some heated subjects on this forum)but I will defend my faith with facts. I have learned to be tolerant, because at the end we are all going to be saved through Jesus Christ grace and love. I guess this is what counts most, because love endures all things, love never fails.
And this what my new faith taught me. It doesn't matter were you belong. God will judged us according to our deeds, and our hearts. He looks in our hearts and knows what kind of persons we are. Having this in mind I have learned to love everyone, because God is Love
i'm feeling so down lately my psycology has reached to the bottom.
sometimes i wish i never been born.
looking back my life all there is left is pain.
Thanks for your great answers..You are all so great...By the way I do not even think to go back, plus I have received the real Baptizm in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It was one of my greatest moments in life when I dive 3 times to the baptism pool.(The Orthodox baptizm covers completely your body beneath the water)Plus I cannot reject Jesus since I take Holy Communion. No way I will exchange that by going back to the JW's cult despite my sarrow...
What I hate most is the fact the my marriage ended up and I still have small children in there. I want them to have the life I didn't have, I don't want them to be used by the WT anymore. My blind jw wife does ANYTHING to brainwashed them more, and subdue them under the control of the WT
Unfortunately I don't have money to claim any custody, plus they are young and they need their mother. It is helpless to reason with her. She is completely brainwashed, and blaims me for braking the family appart. Once I told her: In my case NO one knocked on my door and tried to convert me. It was my own personal decision and research that lead me not to believing in the WT. Why do you condemn me, since YOU are doing the same thing to others. You knock their doors to convered them to JW's, don't you? So why you are complaining? The most crazy thing is that I have ALL Judge Jo's books and they are really insane. I show her the history of the WT from their OWN books, their false prophecies, pyramidology, flip flop doctrines and specially the one with the organ transplans. I asked her straight: What would have happened if one of our children needed a transplan in 1980 and you stayed faithful to the Org? For sure our child would be dead. But how would you react after few months when the GB changed their policy and transplans are ok? She didn't answer....then I asked the question again...Is this "God's Spirit" guidance or a man-made Organization? Why would God change His point of view, and leading thousands to die needesly...she didn't answer she just left.
She is so brainwashed that she turned me to the elders for apostasy 2 times. The last time it was just a few months before our daughters wedding. I told her you are "fucking crazy. Why don't you wait untill she gets married and then turn me in. What difference it will make? You think that by facing judical comittee my mind will change? Don't you know that you are putting an end to our marriage? Why don't leave the way things are, since I'm innactive and I haven't spoken to anyone?"
I was forbitten to attend to my daughters wedding, as you guess, I was "persona non grada".I realize how does the system in the WT world really works. I learned from a "wordly" friend who knows some JW's in my cong, that there are rumors about you that you are an "apostate". That was before I was turned in. The only time I express my doubts(again I was turned in)it was the first judical commitee. I NEVERED talked to any one regarding my doubts. I decided to fade. But they know well how to spread the word, don't they?
Once an ex-jw said: "It is easy to leave the WT, BUT WILL THE WT LEAVE FROM YOUR MIND?"
Now I realize the meanings of this words
I thank you all, and for your prayers and support. I have to get on my feet for the first time in my life. I still have many years in front of me, and I will not allow WT to ruin my life or my childrens life.
i remember when i was a kid in "the truth.
there was an elderly sister that had a heart attack during the meeting.
she made loud gasping sounds as she was holding on for dear life.
My God jw-facts, thats an awfull thing...they are lunatics. It doesn't matter if an earthquake takes place, a blister, or flood. JW's must stick to their scedule delivered by the FDS....
I did first aid courses as a qualified diver. I have learned that the first 2-4 minutes are the most crucial for saving someones life. That means that IF in the audiance there was someone with first aid skills could have saved the sisters life. The stupid idiot that was on the plattform seems to be completely ignorant regarding the symptoms of a heart attack, but even if he wasn't since the most of JW's are janitors and uneducated, at least he would have stop immediately because a fellow human was in trouble.
JW's are so pathetic people, like pawns, and the most amazing thing is NO ONE at the audiance had the balls to stand up and say to that asshole: Will you shut the fuck up, there is someones life in danger here....
They just seat and waited until the "Holy spirit" guides the FDS to send a letter to the congregation to tell them what to do...
Once I recall an eathquake(not a stong one) during a meeting. They continue all the way through the end, like nothing happened....they are fucking crazy men