My son called me yesterday, first time in probably 6 weeks, because he lost his car keys, the car is in my name, so I had to get another set from the dealership. Anyways, it doesn't really matter what he called about, it was just in 6 weeks he only calls because he needs something, not a peep before that (very hurtful). A brother drove him to my office and it was quittin time so I went outside with him and gave him the keys, I was hurt and didn't say much to him. He got back into the brothers car and I drove off. They were behind me and we came to a light I was going straight, they were turning left. If the brother had stopped where he should have, he would have been right beside me, and I was in a convertable, instead he left almost two car spaces in front of him so he didn't have to be beside me. Again very hurtful. I know they are brainwashed to believe that shunning is right, but god damn it, I wish the f***k they would smarten up and stop hurting people. Just my vent
Shunned again
by tak 46 Replies latest jw experiences
OK, why is your shunning son in your vehicle? It seems his behavior should have consequences.
Yes you are right, Darren tells me that a lot, he says I am too soft on him.
But to make a long story short, he bought the car, but the insurance was way too high so we put it in my name and he is an occassional driver.
If he is going to shun you then I wouldn't be letting him drive your car. If the car is in your name so he can save some money then it's time for him to step up a be a man and pay his own way. Maybe the great Jehober will help him out. I know you love him and would do anything for him no matter how he treats you, but maybe it's time for some tough love.
Well, let him know you are cancelling the insurance, then. He's disowned his mother. Let him feel the pain of paying the full cost of that decision.
Well, let him know you are cancelling the insurance, then. He's disowned his mother. Let him feel the pain of paying the full cost of that decision.
All decisions have consequences. He's chosen the congregation over family. Let him find out if the congregation will help him with his car insurance. W
John Doe
What jgnat said. You should not be pandering to his hurtful practices. If he wants to benefit from you financially, then being civil should be a prerequisite. That's the very least he owes you.
I don't have children so maybe that's why I feel the way I do, but I find it absolutely unacceptable that you would have the car in your name. I would immediately transfer the title to simply because he deserves a higher insurance amount.
I agree completely with jgnat and Darren. You are being much too soft with him. But before you cancel the insurance make sure you get the vehicle out of your name.
Thanks everyone. You are right, I am too soft, but his dad died a year and a half ago and I didn't want to give him any more stress. P.S. Darren also says I make too many excuses for people. I am going to take your advice though, I will give him a few more weeks and again if he doesn't call me or make an effort to have a relationship with me then I will make him accountable for his actions. I really like the suggestion that I tell him that perhaps since he has chosen the congregation over me, then go to them for insurance help.