When you look at WT failed prophecies and their history records it makes someone wonder how come this Cult has managed to survive after all this unfulfilled prophesies.
George Orwell said: Everything faded to the mist, the past was erased the erasure was forgotten and the lie became true.
With the WT this is exactly was happening.
I was reading the book from Judge Jo “Light” volume 2 1930 and I came across at pages 100 and 101 were Jo was explaining the prophesy of Revelation 17:8
According to the prophecy the “beast” was the “International Conference of Piece of Hagen” est.1899 from Russia, U.S.A, Germany, France, England. (And it was functioning like the U.N. today) But with the beginning of WWI it ceased to exit.
Then we find the “great prophetic explanation” that the “beast” came again to existence with the “League of the Nations” and it was fulfilling Revelation 17:8.
But when WWII began and Judge Jo believed that the “end” is just months way in 1942…well you guess it correct Nathan Norr came alone and gave another “new” fulfillment of that prophesy.
He “forgot” what was the previous one, and came with the explanation that the League of the Nations was the “beast” that went down to Abyss and U.N it is the beast that came out from Abyss, only to stay a limited time until Armageddon.
Another excellent example of how WT prophecies act like a chameleon change color when ever it suits…
We have almost 60 years after U.N was created and we find that U.N it is another failed prophesy because:
Since the prophesy says that it will stay only for a limited time 60 years it is too much time if we compare with the explanation that the League of The Nations lasted from 1922 – 1939 only 17 years. So U.N should last a lesser time of period
- U.N failed to have control over its members. It was actually a place were superpowers were doing what they wanted
- With the end of Soviet Union we find U.N been under control of U.S.A which is acting according to their interests
- U.S.A has taken the place of the U.N. What we are watching now it is one superpower attacking without any U.N resolutions were they feel to attack in the name of “freedom”, and uses double standards. Like the attacks in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq. But we have other U.N resolutions that U.S.A does not “feel” that it is necessary to act, like Turkey a country of 70,000,000 that it occupying 37% of Cyprus since 1974 with a barbaric invasion in the Island that killed 10,000 people and more than 200,000 became refugees in their own country. Cyprus is a Greek independent Island with only 600,00 habitants member of the U.N since 1960 and in a week member of the European Union.
So we are waiting to see what “New Light” it will come out from Brooklyn this time…