Do you think the war has gone better or worse than expected?

by Simon 34 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    I know there have been some 'bad' events but on the bigger scale of things I think the war has so far gone remarkably well. If the reports are to be believed then major resistance has crumbled and, althought there is still a lot to do, it does not appear to be turning into the street-by-street bloodbath that some feared.

    Whether it will be judged truly successful will, of course, take many years and will largely depend on how things get off to a good start or not with any interim government.

    The troops have done a great job ... let's hope the politicians don't flush it all down the drain.

  • JH

    We only know what the media or the government wants us to know. I followed with ineterst the first Gulf war in 1991, but this one doesn't interest me at all.

    I guess we won't know how many died on the coalition side before quite a while. "I mean the true numbers"

    I would say that the war is going good for now, but it is harder and longer than they expected.

  • Francois

    Saddam and sons saved the very best troups for the very last to protect their terrified asses. So naturally there will be stiffer resistence. Matters not. This thing was settled before the first shot was fired.

    (The politicians WILL screw it up. It's what they DO.)


  • ScoobySnax

    I think its not gone as well as the coalition forces thought it would go. I think at the start they were thinking a couple of weeks, maximum a month. The Iraqi's haven't been as welcoming as the coalition forces thought they would be. If that were the case, the British would be inside Basra by now, yet still they are sort of making very cautious entry. I wonder today why the Americans entered Baghdad then retreated, watching the news reports, I don't see ordinary Baghdadi's welcoming them with open arms. I just get the feeling that this will take longer than was originally expected from the americans claim of a "shock and awe" they originally proclaimed. Also, I got this horrible feeling like its too quiet, and Iraq leaders under Saddam may have one final suprise for the invading troops. I sincerely hope not. Its easy to become "armchair generals" in this war, watching BBC news24 all the time. I just hope they get that creep Saddam, and restore some sort of order and confidence for the ordinary Iraqi people who have suffered already too much.

  • wednesday

    It seems to be going much better than feared. however, it is not over yet, and anything can happen. Every person that died/was injuried is important to someone.

    And Francios is sooo right . of course the politicans will screw it upb-it is what they do.

    But as they say, it isn't over until the fat lady sings. so we wait, and hope.

  • hippikon

    Dont speak too soon - Desperate people do desperate things.

    I'm just gald I'm not one of the decision makers. I must admit I was at two minds to know if was a good thing to go to war. But as more iformation is coming to light about how bad it realy was for the people in Iraq it seems to be the right thing. I hope it all ends well and the majority of the people in Iraq are happy to be "liberated".

    With the failure of the UN it makes me wonder if any problems can be solved with deplomacy. The French must have known how bad things were in Iraq and you would think the Germans would have empathy for the population suffering under Sadam.

    Isn't permitting evil as bad as causing it? (or are they going use Gods excuse, wave a magic wand, make the world a paradise, reverse all the bad things and resurect the dead)

  • gitasatsangha

    Since there are no WMD's, the war has been easy, as of course, the Pentagon knew it would be.

    It is 1939. America is Germany. The UK is Italy. Afghanistan was Czeckoslavakia and Poland is Iraq. The American Moderates are singing Amerika Uber Alles.


    As well as can be expected in a war..A day or so ago I`m watching the news about the war..They said they shipped out a dump truck load of civilian body parts fom a bombed out,outer town...OUTLAW

  • Stephanus

    Much better than I expected. However, winning a war is easy - it's winning the peace that will be a challenge. The war will have been a success if, after all this, the region is more, rather than less, stable. And that may take a few years to determine...

  • Gopher

    :It is 1939. America is Germany. The UK is Italy. Afghanistan was Czeckoslavakia and Poland is Iraq. The American Moderates are singing Amerika Uber Alles.

    Absolutely not. Poland was not the subject of sanctions by the League of Nations at the time, and it didn' t have ultra-religious fanatics declaring death unto its enemies. Poland was only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    To compare America with pre-WW2 Germany is absurd. There is no evidence that America is interested in building an empire to dominate other nations. To compare the lunatic Nazis running Germany (already running concentration camps at that point) to America is insulting.

    America helped rebuild the vanquished nations after WW2, so that Germany and Japan became economic powerhouses under the Marshall Plan. Would Germany have carried out a Marshall Plan against the countries it blitzkrieged, had they been the victors in WW2? Don't make me laugh.

    America will face a post-war challenge in building the peace, as has been stated elsewhere. But just because it took the bull by the horns and tried cleaning up the mess in Iraq (when leadership in other nations such as France and Germany would have preferred the status quo) doesn't make it another Germany. Give me a break.

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