Whoa Loubelle...
In fact I do recall some paranormal events...
1.I was small kid around 6 and in my dream I have seen my next door neighbour dying. Next morning he was dead. I kind of have a vission of his dead...
2.I was again kid around 11 and we had the book study at KH. Everybody left exept our family, my dad who was an elder. I was pretty much sure that everybody left and we were the last ones left at the KH. There was no cars or anything. Then I looked at the door small opening between the double huge doors. It was all the elders sitting and having a meeting. Plus they were some I didn't knew. It was so strange that I haven't see anyone of them coming at the KH since it was a book study, and there was only one entrance at KH.
3.Loubelle I do have those strange dreams like you. In fact I still do. Not as frequent as before but they still come here and then.Fighting with Demons, Satan, dark places, flying over my body and carried by Demons. Those dreams are so alive. I wake up sometimes shouting loud
4. Once I was on the beach and listening to Epithaph by Nazaret. I left my body and I was flying over the sea. I could see my self lying there...