Put it this way, if your Dad is GOD, the rest is a piece of piss!!!
It's in the bag!!
Suffering or not, it's IN THE BAG!!
...suffering was not so bad.
his "perfection" and understanding of the situation would certainly have mitigated his suffering.. his death was not really death, not in any meaningful sense.
it was a 15 second nap, using bible reasoning.
Put it this way, if your Dad is GOD, the rest is a piece of piss!!!
It's in the bag!!
Suffering or not, it's IN THE BAG!!
in light of the recent events, and all the different viewpoints of the members of this forum.
i would like to ask what are your thoughts of exodus 21:23,24?
just would like to know what your views of these scriptures are?.
If I knew that I would live again somewhere, I would be the most PEACEFUL person you have ever met.
I don't know that I will live again somwhere, so I'm gonna protect myself and the people that I want to live with in my life.
regarding war and killing and justice:.
i think the problem lies in what people 'believe in'.. if you believe in any kind of after-life, you have a certain safety net that allows you to be extra peaceful and in a sense say 'it doesn't matter if i die because i'll be dying for my faith and i know i'll be reunited with my family'.. but, what about those of us who don't believe in an after-life, this world is all we have.. it is so unfair to expect us to sit back and peacefully protest and die in doing so.. it's all about whether you believe there is more than just this 'system' to look foreward to.
What I was trying to say was, a person who believes in some form of after-life or who believes that there is more than just this world to live in cannot have a debate about whether it is right or wrong to fight, in war, independantly, for your right to live. They cannot have this kind of debate with someone who believes that this world is all they have.
If two different kids are told not to fight over their sweets by different parents, and 1 kid thinks this is the last sweet he'll ever have and the other kid is more than confident of getting more from his parents and a bully comes along to take their sweets, they both feel the same-that it is wrong for the bully to come and take their sweets, however the boy who knows he'll get more from his parents, gives his sweets up to the bully, which pleases his parents, and should in turn lead to more sweets-very sweet!
However, the other kid, may think, 'well, I know my parents told me not to fight over sweets, but surely I'm justified in standing up against this bully and trying to keep my sweets'. He is more inclined to stand up for his right to keep the sweets because he knows he will not get any more, and what's more he thinks he's quite right to do so.
Lets look at this scene, both kids know it's wrong for the bully to take their sweets, however, one gives up his sweets peacefully, the other stands up for his right to have his sweets.
I'm sure you can apply this analogy to war and the situation regarding terrorist clamp-down.
The 2 kids can't really have a serious debate about whether they should give up their sweets or not because they both have such different situations.
Hope that clears this up.
Anyone who agrees, please let me know
i know this is not witness related but i just caught my husband smoking pot.
i am so upset !!!
he is an alcoholic and has a terrible temper.
The big difference between POT and ALCOHOL is that society can do a pretty good job of protecting kids from alcohol, you can generally only get it from shops with I.D for example. Also the affect of alcohol on kids can leave them feeling pretty rough, and they may not go back to it, for a while at least.
With Dope, you don't know where they can get it from, you can't control it. Dealers actually target kids, it's sick. I also believe that dope in kids' hands is VERY DANGEROUS, it can totally alter their outlook on life, can reduce their ambition, and can depress them. At their vital stage of schooling, this can be a disaster!!
However, it almost reverses as you get older, alcohol becomes more the problem, and it's not so bad for an adult to relax in their own privacy and smoke a joint in a controlled manner.
I have gone through a period of smoking pot at university but realised that it wasn't a good time to do it, I needed to be focused at that time in my life, maybe when I'm older I'll have some now and again.
Does anyone else agree that I am 100% right, yet again!
I could write alot more but I want some breakfast!
Good luck Jurs, sorry I can't offer advice on YOUR situation.
ok- this isn't going to be very interesting.
just wanting to talk without speaking words.
but i am not talking about the "friend" who is really an issue.
There is nothing wrong with the wod normal. It is NORMAL for a couple to be able to produce children, anyone who disagrees is lying. Lesbians cannot produce children therefore it is not NORMAL.
If someone spreads butter on their toast with a fork, they may get the job done, but its not NORMAL. It is NORMAL to use a knife.
People should wake up, and stop getting annoyed at the APPROPRIATE use of words.
ok- this isn't going to be very interesting.
just wanting to talk without speaking words.
but i am not talking about the "friend" who is really an issue.
Andee, Hopefully they would bring the child up to be open-minded and understanding. She wanted kids and she was a lesbian, what is there to say??? I believe two loving 'mothers' is better than one loving mother or a mother and an abusive father or a father and an abusive mother or parents that don't love their kids.
It's not so bad, anyway, one of the mothers could adopt a more fatherly role, I don't know...
I'm not saying there wouldn't be any problems for the kid at school etc. but at least it would be loved!
regarding war and killing and justice:.
i think the problem lies in what people 'believe in'.. if you believe in any kind of after-life, you have a certain safety net that allows you to be extra peaceful and in a sense say 'it doesn't matter if i die because i'll be dying for my faith and i know i'll be reunited with my family'.. but, what about those of us who don't believe in an after-life, this world is all we have.. it is so unfair to expect us to sit back and peacefully protest and die in doing so.. it's all about whether you believe there is more than just this 'system' to look foreward to.
Regarding war and killing and justice:
I think the problem lies in what people 'believe in'.
If you believe in any kind of after-life, you have a certain safety net that allows you to be extra peaceful and in a sense say 'it doesn't matter if I die because I'll be dying for my faith and I KNOW I'll be reunited with my family'.
But, what about those of us who don't believe in an after-life, THIS WORLD IS ALL WE HAVE.
It is so unfair to expect us to sit back and peacefully protest and DIE in doing so.
It's ALL about whether you believe there is more than just this 'system' to look foreward to.
That's what it's all about!!
ok- this isn't going to be very interesting.
just wanting to talk without speaking words.
but i am not talking about the "friend" who is really an issue.
Introspection, I was REALLY hoping noone would pick me up on my use of the word 'normal'. There is nothing at all wrong with saying that, it is a recognised word in the dictionary, I used it appropriately, I was not judging her as a person, I was talking about lesbians as a whole. Men were designed to go with women, thats how it is, I don't need to give you a biology lesson. Normal doesn't mean 'worse', 'wrong' or anything else. I'm completely open-minded and I do not think any less of someone for being gay, there are things about me that are not 'normal' and I am not ashamed.
An apology would be nice, I am a bit offended, although I understand where you were coming from and will not hold it against you.
but... i could not hide it.
"but isn't that a good thing?
you are able to hide... nothing.
a tough question: to kill or not to kill?
this is a very tough question because there can be so many variables, so many views, so many things to consider, so many circumstances, so many beliefs.
do we kill as we do any of this?.
Hi Intro, I think ALL religion brainwashes to some degree, mainly through the 'pernt-child' cycle of DOOM.
What I'm saying is, people say 'I can't do that, it says in the bible not to do that....' etc.
Then another person says 'Are you sure it says that, you might want to look a little closer....' blah blah blah.
The issue no longer is 'moral' and rather becomes 'intellectual'. That is assuming that what it said in the bible was RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
How can 2 religions (Christianity and Islam) be such enemies when they both teach similar things and want similar things?, it's a catastrophy!