Hi special fried chipmonks.
Can anyone help me try and prove to my dad that just because JW's teach a lot of good and do get a lot of things right(mainly common sense, I might add) that this does not mean that you can ignore the things they have got wrong, the kind of things that could prove that they are NOT who they say or think they are!!
He is great at reasoning the existence of God but when it comes to defending jdubs he is BLINKERED.
I try to tell him that 'Isn't it a coinsidence that you were born into the 'truth', or is it that every child thinks that it's parents are right!!'.
Also he says that you shouldn't spend so much time trying to PROVE it's correctness but put faith in it. I say what about all the other religions that kids grow up in and are given this advice, if faith is what it's all about, they won't listen to anyone else, coz it'll distract from their faith!!!
Anyone else agree????
Please help, thanks