I think everyone should just have ONE name because otherwise it gets confusing and becomes less sincere!!
Is there any way that people can be stopped from getting 2 names??
i've just had a really paranoid thought that maybe there's only a few people here pretending to be lots of people!!.
please tell me it's not true coz it makes me feel sick!!.
I think everyone should just have ONE name because otherwise it gets confusing and becomes less sincere!!
Is there any way that people can be stopped from getting 2 names??
i've just had a really paranoid thought that maybe there's only a few people here pretending to be lots of people!!.
please tell me it's not true coz it makes me feel sick!!.
I've just had a really paranoid thought that maybe there's only a few people here pretending to be lots of people!!
Please tell me it's not true coz it makes me feel sick!!
(Of the "Which class am I again??" class)
i just wanna repeat what i said before about the fact that i feel sorry for women putting up with what they go through.. i know from my girlfriend that the period means 3 even 4 days of not feeling good, sometimes really painful.. i think it's fine for me to feel bad about that.. i don't feel sorry for women on a whole or think that they can't cope, i just think that what they go through is unfair, especially if it was god's intention!!.
sorry if anyone was offended (tina included).. i'm glad i'm a guy coz i don't think i'd be so happy to put up with it.. i love women,.
I just wanna repeat what I said before about the fact that I feel sorry for women putting up with what they go through.
I know from my girlfriend that the period means 3 even 4 days of not feeling good, sometimes really painful.
I think it's fine for me to feel bad about that.
I don't feel sorry for women on a whole or think that they can't cope, I just think that what they go through is unfair, especially if it was God's intention!!
Sorry if anyone was offended (Tina included).
I'm glad I'm a guy coz I don't think I'd be so happy to put up with it.
I love women,
i wonder would christians (jw's included) still serve god if it were god's will for them to die in this world and not live forever?!?!?!!.
if u think like that, it makes u realise just how selfish it all is to believe that!!.
they may say that they would but i doubt it!!!!.
It depends on your reasons for being nice. If it is to please God then would you do it for that reason (without e'lasting life) or would you do it just to be nice??
i wonder would christians (jw's included) still serve god if it were god's will for them to die in this world and not live forever?!?!?!!.
if u think like that, it makes u realise just how selfish it all is to believe that!!.
they may say that they would but i doubt it!!!!.
I wonder would christians (JW's included) still serve God if it were God's will for them to die in this world and not live forever?!?!?!!
I don't think so!!!!!!!
If u think like that, it makes u realise just how selfish it all is to believe that!!
They may say that they would but I DOUBT IT!!!!
Comments greatly accepted.
hi special fried chipmonks.. can anyone help me try and prove to my dad that just because jw's teach a lot of good and do get a lot of things right(mainly common sense, i might add) that this does not mean that you can ignore the things they have got wrong, the kind of things that could prove that they are not who they say or think they are!!.
he is great at reasoning the existence of god but when it comes to defending jdubs he is blinkered.. i try to tell him that 'isn't it a coinsidence that you were born into the 'truth', or is it that every child thinks that it's parents are right!!'..
also he says that you shouldn't spend so much time trying to prove it's correctness but put faith in it.
Thanks Farkel, I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me all those points.
Hope it helps!!!
I feel pescimistic though, because he's even read Ray Franz's book and poo-pooed that!!
Thanks again,
warning: i am about to discuss a rather delicate subject.
if the words menstruation or period gross you out, please stop reading now.. i am going to attempt to keep names out of this discussion, as my thoughts are directed to the general population, not one individual.
i am fairly certain, however, that someone may take this personally and react with anger and insults.
I'd like to use this thread to express to all women that I think it's totally unfair that they have to put up with it every month.
I suppose most people think it's gods fault, and if it is, he's a bastard. Also pregnancy pain is totally unfair to be inflicted upon women, if it's god's fault, my feelings remain the same.
I'd like to thank women for puting up with it, and any shouting or rage that may be expressed during the 'sensitive time' is absolutely fine, we men should think ourselves lucky!
Women, I don't know how you don't feel unfairly done by, you are amazing.
Love to all women.
Chris xxxxxx
P.S The teaching that women are men's 'side-kick' is an insult to women, I think we are equal.
i originally posed this question to jh in another thread, and now i'm wondering how other atheists -- especially the hardcore ones -- here would answer it.
this isn't about proving or disproving any particular viewpoint, but just an attempt to understand a mindset that seems... well... beyond my understanding.
<g> first, though, here are a couple of terms defined as used in the context of my inquiry.. science: the objective study of the natural world.. spirituality: an intangible aspect of nature/the universe (including humanity) that may or may not include belief in any deity, but which is merely a general sense that something more is out there, and also within us.
I think until science disproves creation, there is no need for it to be conflictive with spirituality, if u know what I mean.
You can't argue with scientific fact, nor can you with faith!
brits v yanks.
this is just for laughs, but let's be honest us brits are most definately ahead of our 'cousins' across the water in the credibility stakes.. i'll kick us off and see where we go;.
[1] the beautiful game.. it's called football.
There ARE some kids in the U.K that don't take a gun to school with them!!!
U.K 683
U.S.A -683
I lost count of the score so....................
for me it was when i was about twelve years old and my best friends dad was disfellowshipped from the congregation.. i could not understand how a god of love would treat someone so coldly.. i used to think what if that was the way my parents would treat me if i had done something wrong, that would be so hard and cruel.. as i got older another thing that bothered me was the beard issue.
it may sound pretty trivial however the society has always refused to make a good arguement as to why they would give you the old cold shoulder if you were to grow one.. two more items; first i could not understand why all the congregations and all the assemblys would give income reports.
and the society never did.
I can't speak for myself but my mum started getting doubts when she realised that when they said all the 'wicked' will be destroyed, they didn't mean wicked, they meant non-JW's!!!!!!!!
Among a LOAD of other things, I might add!!
C ya's