this is a very tough question because there can be so many variables, so many views, so many things to consider, so many circumstances, so many beliefs.
Religion is, in my opinion, the main cause of all these wars. People have donated ALL moral responsability onto their religion or their God. Then it becomes a case of doing what is right for their religion, rather than what is right as a human being. It then becomes alot more dificult because, as we have seen, religion is ambiguous, and its morals are not always clear. The majority of 'good' people know what is right by listening to their hearts and using their heads. Religion is preventing us from doing that.
Rather than flick through pages of the bible or pray to God for answers, use your heart and brain, that's why God gave you it. I'm not talking to you Amazing, just people in general. This is a BIG problem.
I don't even believe in God(of the bible, anyway....)
jw's teach that one should love jehovah more than anyone else in existence, your parents, your partner, your children.. did you really, really love jehovah that much when you were a witness?
or was there a part of you that put this question to one side because, deep down, you knew that no-one was going to get the lions share of your love other than your close family?.
also, was there a little niggle that it was unreasonable for jehovah to ask this much of you?
Hi Englishman, I think the answer is fairly obvious. You can SAY what you want, but deep down you know how you FEEL, it may differ, but you can quite easily convince yourself not to 'dig to deep down' in order to 'satisfy' your faith and those who may 'ask'.
I think this covers how I felt about it and probably a whole load of others!
hi all, i split up with my girlfriend today.. i want to know if i am right in my decision.. we lived in the same flat for 2 years, fairly good relationship.
she went to brussels to study in the european community for 6 months.
hi all, i split up with my girlfriend today.. i want to know if i am right in my decision.. we lived in the same flat for 2 years, fairly good relationship.
she went to brussels to study in the european community for 6 months.
hi all, i split up with my girlfriend today.. i want to know if i am right in my decision.. we lived in the same flat for 2 years, fairly good relationship.
she went to brussels to study in the european community for 6 months.
We lived in the same flat for 2 years, fairly good relationship. She went to brussels to study in the european community for 6 months. I waited for her return, patiently. She applies for jobs in the meantime, note fairly high-flying jobs which she is qualified for. However, she has NEVER had a job. She has been turned down for countless applications, I told her it's because she has NO job experience. She lets me know of another course(12 day over a period of 5weeks!!) I tell her it's a waste of time, she needs a job. She agrees. She is 26 and has been in education all her life. I'm 21. Also if she gets a job here, we could be together. She indicates her eagerness to do the course, I tell her I have waited for 6 months for something I feel is important for her career, fine, but I will not wait another 5 weeks for her to do a course that will not help her, and only postpones the inevitable 'getting a job'!! She goes ahead and does the course, so I say 'that's it, we're finished'.
I gave conditions on the choices, but it was her that made the choice.
Was I right in my thinking??
I split up with her due to her wanting to do the course, even though it doesn't help her get a job, and delays the time for her to come here. Not only that but SHE made the decision to do the course even though she knew I would finish with her.
She split up with me because she 'wanted to do the course'.
Maybe I was wrong giving her an ultimatum, but, at the end of the day, she chose the course.
PLease comment, people of knowledge.
By the way, our relationship was good, but I am not prepared to let her get away with treating me like a piece of shit.
Am I being wierd??
Chris (a bit drunk and with his feelings slightly numbed from being a JW and learning to pretend that 'everything's fine')
to the "inquisition" of these days... that is on may you have peace.. because there seems to be a 'movement' to 'expose' me as false, and judge and condemn me as a 'jezebel' and more... i would hereby like to confess my 'sins' and 'errors'... and repent my actions/inactions... before you... and all onlookers... if you will permit me.
thank you.. i confess... that i am a servant to the household of god, israel, and a slave of christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit, which i received directly from the person of my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.. i confess... that i have been given the 'free gift' of holy spirit, in the form of hearing spirits, discerning inspired utterances, so that i hear not only the voice of my lord, the but voices of various spirits, so i am able to relate to others that hear, as well as those that do not hear... what the spirit says to the congregation.. i confess... that i have been freely given other 'gifts' of that same spirit, which gifts manifest themselves in me in various ways and which gifts i have not attempted to hide from anyone... man... or god.. i confess... that i have a love for my father and my lord to such an extent that i would subject myself to public humiliation, before all men, bear reproach now... and endure a 'torture stake' for the glory that awaits me, which glory i have nought but faith in, because i have heard of its certainty... and received my 'sealing'... directly from the one the promised such glory, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mishajah.. i confess... that i have agreed to 'repay' my lord for his love and kindness... the undeserved kindness granted me... in the only way that i can... by obeying his voice and going to the household of god, those that go with them, and any others who are 'thirsting' and 'wishing'... and telling them that the same gifts and glories undeservedly afforded me... can be granted to them as well.. i confess... that as a true servant to the household of god, by means of undeserved kindness, i have been granted to know the fruit of my father's spirit that is love... for all of mankind... including my enemies.
a love such it compels me to tell what i hear to those who wish to hear of it, even at risk to my own spirit... whether they hear... or they refrain.. i confess... that contrary to what is 'usual' among so-called professed 'christians' and 'anointed', i have not sought to compel people to follow me, or to join any church, religion or other institution of 'theology', and will not, but instead, have asked and spoken only that any who 'hear'... and any who wish to hear... hear... and follow the voice of the fine shepherd, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.... i repent... that i am but mere flesh and blood, a woman, a 'foolish thing' and 'weaker vessel', so that i do not always have the strength to stand against the opposition facing me, although i have wished no harm, no evil, no malice toward any.. i repent... that at times my forehead is not as hard as flint, and my heart is not so protected so as not to feel fright when facing off with my adversary and his agents.. i repent... that i do not possess in me the gifts of the spirit that grant miracles, such that those who do not believe can have the 'scales' removed from their eyes so as to see the things 'unseen', things almost too glorious for me to utter... with their own eyes... rather than simply ask for and be granted the 'free gift' of holy spirit and see for themselves.... i repent... that i do not possess in me the 'perfect' love that would move me to not feel hurt and pain when derided and ridiculed, but be able to say to my father, as did my lord, "forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.
AGuest, do you some kind of kinky pleasure out of being a 'servant' to everyone. I'm sure there are some dominatrixes that would love for you to be their servant!!
Hi Hilary, Yes Andy was there. We were going through some stuff together before we went on stage and he was showing me some licks that I didn't know. I was 16 at the time, so I was a little bit nervous, but I loved it!