The big difference between POT and ALCOHOL is that society can do a pretty good job of protecting kids from alcohol, you can generally only get it from shops with I.D for example. Also the affect of alcohol on kids can leave them feeling pretty rough, and they may not go back to it, for a while at least.
With Dope, you don't know where they can get it from, you can't control it. Dealers actually target kids, it's sick. I also believe that dope in kids' hands is VERY DANGEROUS, it can totally alter their outlook on life, can reduce their ambition, and can depress them. At their vital stage of schooling, this can be a disaster!!
However, it almost reverses as you get older, alcohol becomes more the problem, and it's not so bad for an adult to relax in their own privacy and smoke a joint in a controlled manner.
I have gone through a period of smoking pot at university but realised that it wasn't a good time to do it, I needed to be focused at that time in my life, maybe when I'm older I'll have some now and again.
Does anyone else agree that I am 100% right, yet again!
I could write alot more but I want some breakfast!
Good luck Jurs, sorry I can't offer advice on YOUR situation.