I don`t know if `worshipped` expresses the bros. attitude towards
Loyd Barry, but some of the real old-timers we know tell stories
about going out in FS with him. According to them, in the `good old
days` Loyd and all the missionaries who came after WWII were very
commited, hard working and humble.They lived very frugally and were
sincerely concerned about the welfare of the bros.As years went by, however, and the org. grew power struggles and greed began to become
common place.A couple we know who were in the org. for over 40 years
talks about how the CO`s went from hard-working servants to wealthy
primadonnas. Over the years the change in attitude was so dramatic
that this couple became very disillusioned and ending up leaving the
org.It is commonly understood that various `gifts` are given to the
CO when he visits and he in turn gives certain `privaledges` to the
gift giver (i.e. makes him an elder, gives him a place on stage at a
convention, turns a blind eye to his immorality,etc.) That kind of
hypocrasy has become more and more obvious of late and has been one
of the driving factors behind the mass exodus which is taking place.
As to Loyd Barry in Japan, I`ll relate a famous story told to me by
an old former-elder who used to go out in FS with him. One day they
were in FS in western Kobe. The government had announced a plan to
put a bridge between the island of Honshu and Shikoku accross the
Japan Inland Sea. The bridge was to be built at a place called Akashi
and was to take many years til completion. As they were talking about
the bridge, Loyd said to elder `T`,Armageddon will come long before
that bridge is ever completed. The bridge was dedicated two years ago
and Lyod went ot his reward last year. Another one of the fruits of
false prophecy(?).
I`m not sure, but I believe the current head of the Japanese Bethel, a Masaharu Oda,was lead to the organization by Barry. JWD
Posts by JWD
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
Just found out today that there is a plan to build a new KH in the
next town over.It seems the trend is to combine congregations which
are slipping in numbers and then give them a greater sense of perman-
ency by building new halls (traditionally Japan has been too expensive
to purchase land and build. The trend of late is to add real estate
to give a sense of growth and keep funds coming in via over-priced
building projects). In several areas,however,the WT has met with stiff
oppostion from the locals to building new halls.Thus, in some instances they have opted to keep the nature of the building project
hush-hush until it`s near completion. JWD -
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
If the current trend downward continues thru the remainder of the
WT reporting year (August), they will have to report another minus
1% growth for 2001. That will be two years of negative growth here
in Japan.
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
To help shift public opinion here in Japan the org has taken several
public relation moves. One is the production of `advertising` type
literature which is devoid of any doctrinal content and is strickly
used to present the image of the WT as a balanced main-line religious group.The materials are distributed via the WT-Japan public relations
office. In addition the org. made a nation-wide `steadfast` campaign.
It is the same material used in other countries about how the JWs
were persecuted by the Nazis. Here in Japan the org. went around to
secular media related organizations and got them to support the
`steadfast` presentation WITHOUT EVER TELLING THEM THAT IT WAS
ACTUALLY A BRANCH OF THE WATCHTOWER! So, several major newspapers
etc. were shocked when they found out, after the fact,that they had
signed on to sponser an event for the Watchtower.
Several other public relations moves have been made to clear the WT`s
image as a cult, but as of this writing it hasn`t had much effect.
The number of publishers reporting every month continues to drop and
the number of congregations continues to decrease.
I`ll continue to up-date as things happen here. JWD -
Report on Jacksonville losing WT convention
by expatbrit incity loses big convention .
by bill johnson, special to the daily record.
wash your car, it will rain.
All the info about conventions is interesting.
Here in Japan they always give little pep talks during the
conventions to the brothers telling them to donate and help
cover the expenses.There is never any reporting on how the actual
costs worked out.Some years back one sister,who we know well,worked
in accounting for a large convention in Kobe.When the convention was
over they came out about $60,000 IN THE BLACK.ALL the money was immediately carted off to the Japan Bethel in Ebina and NO report
was ever made to the local brothers as to how the finances turned
out.It seems that all throughout Japan it is standard procedure to
give the impression that expenses are barely being met and then
suck up as much in donations as possible while never giving account
regarding how the actual figures turned out. Is that the way it is
everywhere? JWD -
by d0rkyd00d inas many may know, i'm still a teenager.
i'm not willing to reveal my age, which is one less than 17 or one more than 15. but i just wanted to get your guys' opinion on sex before marriage.
a lot of people here have kinda lost their "watchtower" and biblical standards as i have gathered.
I waited until I was married.I was 23. My wife was 28 and she waited
as well. We`ve been married for 18 years. Have a great marriage,
three great kids and a great sex life. The big word for me is TRUST.
When you know that you and your wife practiced self-discipline before
marriage, you know there`s a good chance you will continue to after
marriage.Thus, you don`t waste energy doubting what the other person
might be doing when you`re away from each other. Then there`s the
`What will I tell my kids?` issue. I`m glad I can tell them that we
waited.It gives a lot of moral authority to your advice as a parent.
Hang in there. Just beacuse the WT is full of crap,doesn`t mean that
all there teaching is absolutely wrong.Don`t throw out the baby with
the bath.There is a sense in which former JWs who toss out all moral
standards `fulfill the WT prophecy` that people who leave the org.
invariably become `immoral`.I`d rather not give them the satisfaction
of being able to say that. JWD -
Hate Your Enemies!!
by JWD ini was standing by the copy machine at a convience store here in japan.
when a local elder who i`ve know for some years came up to me and.
threatened me (his breath had the distinct smell of a couple too many.
The first step in dulling people`s consciences with regards to in-
human attitudes is to demonize the object of the hatred.Thus the WT
is constantly declaring how evil people are who leave the org.There
can`t be a single good person who once was a JW and now rejects the
teaching of the org. So, what happens to the psyche when they meet
someone and find out they are really a decent person, but later on
discover that they are a former Jehovah`s Witness. To find out the
answer to that I tried to see what kind of a response I would get.
After talking to a young bro. in his 20s for several days about
the Bible and religion,I just mentioned in passing, `What would you
think if I told you I was once a JW?`.We had developed very good
repore up until then.He seemed relaxed and at the time I made the
statement we were having a cup of coffee together. Well,that changed
real fast! Suddenly he got this terrified look on his face,stood up
pointed his finger at me and said,`Are you an apostate? Tell me right
now, or I`m walking out of here!`. I asked him what difference it
would make. Hadn`t we been having meaningful discussions? Hadn`t he
even said that I was a decent person who seemed to know a lot about
the Bible? So,why the change all of a sudden? He did stick around
and eventually left the org.,but I`ll never forget his reaction.He
had a major panic attack when the word `Apostate` crossed his mind
and was ready to throw our relationship out the window. JWD -
Ask for your "Ordained Minister" ID C...
by LDH inwith all of the discussion going on on the board lately about "all jw being ordained ministers," i thought i'd point out something that may be new to a lot of you.. your local congregation has wbts id cards which states the 'cardbearer is an ordained minister.
' they won't volunteer these to you, i had to reg pio for two years before i got mine.
however, they can come in handy when traveling!
Can women receive the card ,as well? If so, does that mean that the
WT is ordaining women?JWD
What about the scriptural obligation to preach?
by lookingnow22 ini've always been taught that each disciple of christ has a scriptural obligation to preach, and to do so in imitation of jesus and his disciples.
they did this by house to house, in synagogues, and in the marketplaces.
this is one thing that has always kept me close to jehovah's witnesses.
It is a natural outgrowth of faith to want to tell somebody aboutit.
The WT method ,however,namely counting time is non-biblical in the
sense that it is making public religious actions by reporting it to
men. It is also tremendously ineffective relative to the amount of
time given over to it. In most parts of the world people open up about
things which are on their heart to trusted friends not door-knocking
strangers.Thus, when the WT method does work it always involves a
long period of relationship developement. Overall,friendship evangelism would be much more effective and time efficient. JWD -
Hate Your Enemies!!
by JWD ini was standing by the copy machine at a convience store here in japan.
when a local elder who i`ve know for some years came up to me and.
threatened me (his breath had the distinct smell of a couple too many.
As to the issue of David`s Psalms vs. Christ`s teaching,obviously,
Christ lifted the whole matter of what godly living means to a higher
level. Christ internalized godliness by talking about the intentions
of the heart, not merely the actions.Thus, hatred became equal to
murder in the same way that lust was viewed as adultry.So, to negate
or supercede Christ`s teaching with something from the OT is poor
exigesis. When talking with Raymond Franz on the phone one time,he
mentioned that he often felt the WT acted as if the NT had never been
written. So much of their teaching was a step `back` to the OT era.The whole `tone` of the WT teaching is one of destruction.The world
gets the shaft at the big `A`,relationships get torn apart by the
issue of loyalty to the WT, lives get thrown away needlessly via
the No-Blood policy,etc. Even `caring` is often tied in with the
motivation of being nice to someone in order to get a study going.So,does genuine `lovingkindness` just for the sake of showing
Christlikeness actually even exist with the WT walls? JWD