Thank-you for your comments.
I was very aware of the 91 WT article you refered to.In the past there
have been `pastoral` visits to former JW`s here in Japan. My point was
and still is that in past years the emphasis was very much on going after new blood and not on giving the `unfaithful` a second chance. Whereas of late desparation among the leadership due to falling numbers has made them place more emphasis on bringing back former JWs.
I just noticed that the WT homepage has a bit about JWs and disaster
relief.It referred to how they helped out after the Kobe earthquake
in 1995. The truth is the WT was famous for limiting their aid
almost exclusively to JWs. Sixth days after the earthquake I trekked
into the city of Kobe and helped deliver food and aid to homeless
people along with thousands of other ordinary citizens. We made several trips and were very aware of what was going on. Shortly after
the earthquake one sister who lived across the river from Kobe in
Osaka told me how the WT organized relief in the various KHs but only
delivered it to JWs in the disaster striken city. I was reminded of the verse in Mathew which says `What`s so special about greeting your
brothers? Even the gentiles do that.`