JoinedTopics Started by scottmedeiros
A question for all Jehovah's Witnesses on here who truly believe
by Quillsky infirstly, i know that there are some really bright witnesses.
achievers, thinkers - it was partly my admiration for people like you that kept me in for so long.. "brother peter is such an intelligent man, he couldn't be wrong", was the way i thought.
i'm sure others felt the same way.
The bible nooo we have other books
by scottmedeiros inecclesiastes.
12:1212 as regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: to the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.
and just how many books has the slave published since its beginning?
A Treatise on 1914, by sd-7
by sd-7 in"1914 repaired".
no year has more profoundly been pointed to for jehovahs witnesses than 1914. it is such a pivotal part of their theological superstructure that the following quote can be found in the book benefitting from theocratic ministry school education on page 279:.
this good news of the kingdom.
Tell me, what is your idea of what is romantic...
by FlyingHighNow inwhat is your idea of romance?
what are some romantic things that have happened to you?
how about things you've done.
Harmagedon-and Justice?
by scottmedeiros inmy wife gave the talk on the school tonight (is armagedon really nessasary?
) specialy since god is love.
but then my wife mentions that armagedon really demonstrates jah's justice---then i started thinking and believe me not 8 months ago i was an elder and year and a half ago pioneer.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 07-18-10 WT Study (REACH OUT)
by blondie incomments.
you sow with a view to the spirit.
by Titus ini don't want biblical answer, but from any watchtower publication.
has that question ever been answered in any watchtower publications?.
please, give me some references.. i expect answer from debator, alice, bane, scholar or any other active jehovah's witness.
This Video clip was funny about the WTS flip flops on the people of Sodom.
by Think About It inany new "new light" on the people of sodom not coming back?
what other wacky religion would spend so much time comtemplating, thinking upon and flip flopping on this shit?
If you felt/feel that you had/have good, close "friends" in the org, how did/does it feel to just give them up?
by Crisis of Conscience inthis is my biggest dilema.
although mentally i really feel i could walk away from the org right now, i still have genuine love for the people i have come to know over the years.
i love people!.
My sister died in a head on collision last night
by Bumble Bee ini still can't believe it.
she was here for the bbq, we had an awesome time, laughing, her telling stories from our childhoods.
i gave her a hug and told her i loved her before she left.