JoinedPosts by ZeusRocks
Fun with the July 15th WT illustration
by undercover inyes, friends, it's that time once more... when we clip some wt art to a post and try to find all the subliminal wt propaganda messages hidden in the illustration.
(kinda like, "can you find the differences between these two drawings" for kids in the sunday comics).
here's the illustration:.
Matrix moment - what was it and when did you share it?
by MMXIV infor those of you who had a moment like that from the matrix when you realised what you'd believed was fundamentally flawed or a lie - what caused that defining moment and how long was it before you could share your thoughts?.
When I stumbled on the JWFacts website. I was raised in the org so by this time I had believed for a little over 30 years. I couldn't believe how stupid and blind I was. As I grew older I never noticed changes in teachings. Mum had spoken to me about her experiences leading up to 1975 but nothing ever clicked. But being able to see their changes in teachings through the years in black and white made me realise they held no truth. I realised how little attention you really pay when you have been brainwashed since birth.
The first thing I read was regarding their flipping stances on organ transplants and then the house of cards came tumbling down instantly. My sister was in her room and I immediately started telling her the things I was finding out. She just shrugged it off at first, even though she no longer went to meetings, but within 1 hour I came across the UN thing and that was her moment. Once she heard about that, any belief she had in the org went out the window.
What does your profile name say about you?
by usualusername ini use usualusername as i am not creative enough to think of anything sexier.... .
what significance is there behind your profile name?.
Even being raised a in the org I still had a love of greek mythology. My name is a reflection of that. I always wished their stories were real, I found it more interesting than anything I read in the bible.
Atheism or Agnosticism, which one is correct?
by Joey Jo-Jo inthis has been bugging me for a while, and while i dont want to turn this into something about semantics i think that we should quickly define what an agnostic and atheists are.. richard dawkins defines 7 different types of atheist ranging from weak to militant atheists, but along these definitions there appears one definition with a strong resemblance to agnosticism.. to me an agnostic is a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in deity/deities, but there are those who define agnostics as a ignorant who simply just don't care or don't have the intelligence to come to sound conclusion.. an atheist can be a person who disbelieves in a deity/deities based on the current mathematical and scientific understandings of the universe, as well as understandings that can refute certain religions such as the strong influence of protestantism christianity in america.. .
from here i will refer deity as anything ranging jehovah to a real spaghetti monster, it's not important because a) we dont know b)for the purpose of this discussion it is not important to define what we believe god to be.. an argument that can be used about a deity is -we cannot prove nor disprove that god exists- this is referred to as a null hypothesis, an assumption that we cannot create a hypothesis to prove or disprove this deity.
this to me is agnosticism and is more correct than the idea of atheism.
I am showing you the lack of sound reasoning in your answers, asking -do you believe in god?- isn't any diferent to asking -Will you die in 5 years? It's the injustified presumption
Once again you are using a ridiculous follow up question example and it is very different from my question.
"Will you die in 5 years?" I don't know is a perfectly reasonable answer. You have flipped from my question regarding belief with your question regarding knowledge.So what happens when you can not believe nor disbelieve?
If you cannot believe or disbelieve then you are absent of belief or without belief, which is the root meaning of the word ATHEIST. It is no claim to knowledge which you seem to completely ignore, because for some reason you don't like the word atheist.
The is the last time I will say it...If you do not BELIEVE in a god, whether just absent of belief or complete disbelief then you are atheist by definition. Add agnostic to it if you want, but the word atheist exists do describe someone who is not a theist.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses fundamentalists?
by Celestial ini googled the phrase and a q & a from their official media web site appeared within the first few hits:.
are you fundamentalists?.
There are a few definitions of what a fundamentalist is.
One definition is "strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles". If you went by that definition, then I would class the Watchtower Society as fundamentalists at least in some core teachings (not everything since they like to change their minds every so often).
Atheism or Agnosticism, which one is correct?
by Joey Jo-Jo inthis has been bugging me for a while, and while i dont want to turn this into something about semantics i think that we should quickly define what an agnostic and atheists are.. richard dawkins defines 7 different types of atheist ranging from weak to militant atheists, but along these definitions there appears one definition with a strong resemblance to agnosticism.. to me an agnostic is a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in deity/deities, but there are those who define agnostics as a ignorant who simply just don't care or don't have the intelligence to come to sound conclusion.. an atheist can be a person who disbelieves in a deity/deities based on the current mathematical and scientific understandings of the universe, as well as understandings that can refute certain religions such as the strong influence of protestantism christianity in america.. .
from here i will refer deity as anything ranging jehovah to a real spaghetti monster, it's not important because a) we dont know b)for the purpose of this discussion it is not important to define what we believe god to be.. an argument that can be used about a deity is -we cannot prove nor disprove that god exists- this is referred to as a null hypothesis, an assumption that we cannot create a hypothesis to prove or disprove this deity.
this to me is agnosticism and is more correct than the idea of atheism.
Sure you can Zid.
by botchtowersociety insince everything comes from god, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'theists' towards a deeply held conviction.
eventually we all die and meet our maker and end up in the presence of belief and knowledge as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a lack of belief in god that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
Bloody hell...and I thought this was being serious. I think I need another coffee.
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
by tornapart instupid question i know.. lol.
i'd be a cat because i'm lazy and independent and i love sleeping.
I'd probably be a snake. I go about my business each day, relaxing when I can, enjoying myself when I can and have a live and let live kind of attitude. But try and push me around or aggrivate me and I'll let you have. Well, not physically unless I was protecting myself. Plus I like to sit back and watch what's happening around me without putting myself in the middle of it.
by botchtowersociety insince everything comes from god, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'theists' towards a deeply held conviction.
eventually we all die and meet our maker and end up in the presence of belief and knowledge as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a lack of belief in god that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
Since everything comes from God
You either have to prove this to be true or you are only having a conversation with yourself.
When a baby is born it has no beliefs, so it is impossible for it to be theist.
Are you an athiest and why?
by LouBelle ini'm interested in finding out people's reasons as to why they are athiest.. i have simply through life experience, my research into religions over the years come to that conclusion.
never thought i would come to a day that i did not believe in a god.
believing in a god is like believing in super man, it would be great if he existed but well it's just a fairy tale.
Well, after learning the truth about the Watchtower and their teachings I was floored, but funnily enough I wasn't surprised. Even though I was raised in it and believed it, I had many questions along the way that never got answered and certain things made me uncomfortable and the fact I was gay put me in a very bad position. I knew I was gay before I was old enough to understand what the society teaches about it. Actually, the only thing that surprised me was the UN thing.
Once the Watchtowers lies were revealed, for me instead of looking to other faith systems, the next logical step was to research the origins of the bible itself and the stories it contained. Well, it didn't really take long to discover that the bible was basically full of crap only with a hint of truth in certain places as far as some people and locations. I was still willing to believe in god, but the more I learnt I just couldn't anymore as I actually started to care if my beliefs were true.
So unless one day it is proven beyond doubt that a god exists (not necessarily the christian one as he's a psycho and jesus ain't much better), then I will remain atheist.