This reminds me of the joke, "What's the difference between a JW and a terrorist?" You can reason with a terrorist! tah dah!
so let me set this question up.
sorry if its long!.
recently my brother-in-law posted a link to a story on facebook: "we're seeing rev 17:12,13 starting to be fulfilled!!
This reminds me of the joke, "What's the difference between a JW and a terrorist?" You can reason with a terrorist! tah dah!
just got this email...... .
subject: zone report germany date: 5/17/11 2:02:57 am.
we thought we would share one of our interesting experiences with you.
As far as I can determine from my reading of the Bible, judgement starts with the house of God. If
you look up the meaning of Bethel or Beth-el you get "house of God". Have fun with that one Mr. Loesh.
going along with the last thread ( great subject matter) .
i'm sort of hitching along here.. we had a bookstudy at our home for several years, every week we were prepared, and we handled service arraingements every saturday morning, even with two young children.. one saturday morning, ( in the middle of winter) one son had a bad cold, and our furnace konked out around 8:15 am.. i was running around trying to get ready for service, calling a repair man, and help my wife get ready for service.. the group comes in at 9:00, and i'm on the phone talking to the repair man who wants to come out between 10-2.. so i'm not going out this morning, and i'm staying home with my sick son, wife and son #2 are going out in service.. conductor comes downstairs and looks at the furnace ( he is a school teacher, no mechanical experience at all, check out my earlier thread video under friends, page 5827 titled "elder makes a video,,,, this is the same guy ) and gives me the classic guilt trip because i'm not going out in service for at least an hour this morning.. i remember thinking just who is this guy, trying to make me feel bad because my family is #1, service is not my focus today.. after all of these years, i cannot help but think of this comment now :.
"nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent", e. roosevelt.
I never missed a meeting or field service when I was an active witness. I sometimes didn't go, but I never "missed" them.
todays text is matthew 18:17 ...speak to the congregation.
so i'm giving everyone i can a copy of after the meeting.
i put the elders copy in the snail mail.. [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:trackmoves /> <w:trackformatting /> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:donotpromoteqf /> <w:lidthemeother>en-us</w:lidthemeother> <w:lidthemeasian>x-none</w:lidthemeasian> <w:lidthemecomplexscript>x-none</w:lidthemecomplexscript> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> <w:splitpgbreakandparamark /> <w:dontvertaligncellwithsp /> <w:dontbreakconstrainedforcedtables /> <w:dontvertalignintxbx /> <w:word11kerningpairs /> <w:cachedcolbalance /> </w:compatibility> <m:mathpr> <m:mathfont m:val="cambria math" /> <m:brkbin m:val="before" /> <m:brkbinsub m:val="--" /> <m:smallfrac m:val="off" /> <m:dispdef /> <m:lmargin m:val="0" /> <m:rmargin m:val="0" /> <m:defjc m:val="centergroup" /> <m:wrapindent m:val="1440" /> <m:intlim m:val="subsup" /> <m:narylim m:val="undovr" /> </m:mathpr></w:worddocument> </xml><!
Hi discreteslave:
leavingwt has given you some fine council from my point of view. I disassociated myself in July '06
over the Societies involvement with the U.N. as an NGO and their indefenseable position on child
molestation in the congregations. They were the two big issues for me. My wife is still a JW and we
are terminally seperated I think. We were able to stay together for about 4 years as we loved each
other very much. But being married to an "apostate" is a big burden for a JW to carry whatever the
circumstances. My wife finally came to the conclusion that I was a imminent danger to her spirituality
and used this as her basis to seperate from me "in good conscience". I never in 26+ (weeks away from 27)
mistreated her in any way. I never even made spirituality an issue. I felt I would do more harm than good in
constantly challenging her beliefs. But in the end I lost out to "the borg".
As to your letter, it has a lot of scriptural quotations but no application or specificity. When I read it I thought
it sounded like the rantings of a person who was a card or two short of a full deck. I mean no harm in that comment
just letting you know how I felt when I read it. Do I think you are insane, no i don't. But to the witnesses that
you gave that letter, they probably at least considered that as an option. For your own good, I would turn down the
rhetoric a bit. You can still say the same thing but in a much more attractive package.
I wish you well in your relationship with Richard. It sounds like you love each other very much. Remember though
that love does not always win out in this situation. Be careful how you say what you say. Think about how it will
sound to the JW point of view before you say it. That's all for now. I really do wish you well.
going along with the last thread ( great subject matter) .
i'm sort of hitching along here.. we had a bookstudy at our home for several years, every week we were prepared, and we handled service arraingements every saturday morning, even with two young children.. one saturday morning, ( in the middle of winter) one son had a bad cold, and our furnace konked out around 8:15 am.. i was running around trying to get ready for service, calling a repair man, and help my wife get ready for service.. the group comes in at 9:00, and i'm on the phone talking to the repair man who wants to come out between 10-2.. so i'm not going out this morning, and i'm staying home with my sick son, wife and son #2 are going out in service.. conductor comes downstairs and looks at the furnace ( he is a school teacher, no mechanical experience at all, check out my earlier thread video under friends, page 5827 titled "elder makes a video,,,, this is the same guy ) and gives me the classic guilt trip because i'm not going out in service for at least an hour this morning.. i remember thinking just who is this guy, trying to make me feel bad because my family is #1, service is not my focus today.. after all of these years, i cannot help but think of this comment now :.
"nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent", e. roosevelt.
Hi FS:
Did you ever tell this experience to this "Elder" at a later time? If so, I would be interested as to his response.
He probably felt she will be toast at armageddon anyway, why should you miss a meeting for
that? Truth is though not all witnesses are that heartless, at least not many of the ones I have
known. Brainwashed and in a trance yes, but not that heartless. You helped save a life that day,
I hope at least, or at least your workmates and you tried your very best to do so. If you did
attend the meeting it would have been much of the same stale bread and lukewarm water.
...i'm suppose to be going to the district convention this august, and i'm also going to bethel in august also, for <-------'investigative reasons'.
this will be my last convention.
i'm bascially going just to say goodbye to everyone.
hey mouthy, thought you were hasta la vista, baby!
i just met a lady that is just okay looking and she has a female relative that is a very hot celebrity.
i would love to meet her thru her.
am i that bad?
Maybe you should just do what all the uncool people do that need to feel like they are cool, get a tattoo. This is not to say that genuinly cool people don't get tattoos, obviously they do, but they were cool before they got the tattoo, you on the other hand will never be, tattoo or not.
former jehovah's witness presiding overseer and watchtower historian richard rawe will be discussing the garridos and their connections with the jehovah's witnesses on his bi-monthly program "dialogue".
a panel of researchers will read news paper articles, play audio and video clips including an actual call to the watchtower organization asking if the garridos were associated with them.. the program starts at 6:45 est.
it is easy to get on the program just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925 .
Even if there is a connection, what does that prove, nothing? If you examined every crime, including the most heinous there would be a connection to some religion or belief system. I suspect there may even be ao few atheists and/or agnostics who have done such dastardly deeds. This is stupid, just admit it. I am DA's from the JW's since '06 so I am not an apologist for them but this is stupid to it's core.
i ask this question because it goes to:.
- how disposed to objectively considering contrarian evidence you are, and.
- how much i might be messing with your life and happiness by helping you see things the way i do.. i read the posts of many people on this board who are apparently happy, even deliriously happy, with their theism.
Thanks for that, but how does string theory explain the universe and how we all got here better than Michaelangelo? You have to admit it would be difficult for the big M to have explained the whole of the creation on a ceiling or a piece of canvas. Tell us how string theory and quantum mechanics explains it. Thanks in advance.
i ask this question because it goes to:.
- how disposed to objectively considering contrarian evidence you are, and.
- how much i might be messing with your life and happiness by helping you see things the way i do.. i read the posts of many people on this board who are apparently happy, even deliriously happy, with their theism.
Hi designs:
Would you care to explain string theory for the group so that they would know what you meant by "String Theory lacks the warm and fuzzies but explains the building blocks of reality better than the old man reclining and with pointed finger creates the heavens and the earth." Thanks from me.