I've never understood the whole 'prove your love for Jehovah' thing. Its never made sense. I thought I was crazy for not accepting the jelousy of the almighty Jehovah.
JoinedPosts by Joliette
Why do we have to 'prove' anything to God. (This point made at assembly today)
by PaintedToeNail inthe point was made at the assembly today, that we have to 'prove' our love for jehovah to him.
as i sat there, bored, this thought struck me as odd.
since jehovah is supposed to be able to read 'hearts', why do we as humans, have to prove anything to him, since he already knows us down to our kidneys and would know if we loved him or not.
My mom and dad told me that I'm an apostate and that they want to 'limit their association' with me!!!
by Joliette ina series of events led up to an arugment with my parents last night.
my mom and dad told me that they found my videos that i was doing on youtube, and they told me that i was an apostate.
they said that they would help me if it was an emergency, but other then that, they didnt want anything to do with me.
A series of events led up to an arugment with my parents last night. My mom and dad told me that they found my videos that I was doing on youtube, and they told me that I was an apostate. They said that they would help me if it was an emergency, but other then that, they didnt want anything to do with me. They said they by making youtube videos, I didnt consider their feelings, and how much it would hurt them. Besides people at my mom and dad's hall going back and telling them things about my facebook page being 'apostate', now I have to deal with this.
It feel like my soul has been aborted. What did I ever do to get treated like that? To have my own flesh and blood say that they dont want anything to do with me just because I disagree with some doctrines and some scpitures that were written thousands of years ago
The ghost of Freddy Franz?
How Will The WTS Society Look In The Year 2030? How Will They Explain Why The Generation Is Now 116 Years Old?
by AvocadoJake inimagine you are here in the year 2030 and nothing has happened?
how will field service be carried out?
will meetings still be at kingdom halls or will halls be used via skype?
lol @ Cadellin and so true @ with memories no longer than a feather ;)
How Will The WTS Society Look In The Year 2030? How Will They Explain Why The Generation Is Now 116 Years Old?
by AvocadoJake inimagine you are here in the year 2030 and nothing has happened?
how will field service be carried out?
will meetings still be at kingdom halls or will halls be used via skype?
I think that more people will wake up and start to see how big of a cult and a joke this religion is, and just fade or disassociate themselves. I dont see any large growth anytime soon, thanks to the internet and technology. I dont see them setting another 1975 date. I dont see a reforming going on anything soon, either. Maybe a implode, but no reforming or establishing different groups within the dead movement.
Do you hate God
by Star tiger ini beginning to think that this would be a good way of thinking, a totally righteous being would not let all the shit that is happenning to people prevail, this being cannot have the best interests of man as his first priority, it's all about ego and no matter how the human familty suffers, he hates pretty much everyone, as the tv show says, your fired, let's get a better god, one who at least gives everyone a chance!!.
i welcome comments from god apologists, to at least have an argument as to why they put they're faith in someone that does'nt give a shit about them!.
star tiger.
This is thing with me; I'm agnostic, and I dont really know if I should hate this 'jehovah' if he does exist, but my whole thing is why should I have to be a part of this battle with him and satan? When I was a kid, I didnt understand why I had to be a part of it when it had nothing to do with me. But I can say this, I dont see this jehovah as being a friend, like the watchtower says, but I see jehovah as being a self centered, egoistically god who only sees things his way. Thats not a friendship to me.
Special A$$embly Day Notes
by PrincessCynic ini wasted my sunday yesterday attending the special a$$embly day.
i thought some of you might like to see some of the notes i took to keep myself amused/awake.. we had a guest speaker from the local old people's home bethel.
he seemed slightly senile.
Yes, ASSembly is what I would call it too. A full day of watchtower dribble. I'd rather stay in bed and watch the football game .
Faithful and discreet, maybe, but never humble
by dgp ini was re-reading another thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/218101/2/governing-body-pics) and i just couldn't help thinking that the faithful and discreet slaves may perhaps be faithful and discreet, but they are certainly not humble.
they let other witnesses treat them like special holy men.
not that i would have expected anything different from them, but i feel they should at least act otherwise for appearances' sake.. would it be fit for the members of the board of directors of any big company (enron, say) feel they have a special quality to them, one that puts them above all other humans, just because they approve things with two thirds of the vote?.
Very true ;-)
How long can one continue as an unbelieving JW?
by mankkeli inis it really possible to continue as a jw but not believing in it anymore.
for how long can one keep up with this pace of life?.
i will appreciate it if any scientific study had been done on this and what has the result showed?..
Makkeki, whatever the heck your name is Jehovah lover:
I got a question: Why are you on an apostate website? Doesnt your faithful and discreet slave, of course....in direction from your Jehovah and Jesus christ, tell you its wrong to do so? Didnt you read the November 2010 study edition of the watchtower where it said dont respond to apostate blogs, forums, messages board, etc. Your violating Jehovah's laws.
Lessons the Governing Body should take from the Joe Paterno scandal (but probably won't)
by sir82 in1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
Very true. Any organization that doesnt protect a child, thats only considered about the organization, coperation, etc, is just as guilty as the accused.