A young man who actually wants to achieve things in his life, has to give it all up for the eternal skydaddy and watchtower inc.
Giving up dreams of being a world famous runner to scrub toilets and clean business offices. What a dream...
did anyone see this video?
i've seen it before but my wife wanted to watch it again last night.
A young man who actually wants to achieve things in his life, has to give it all up for the eternal skydaddy and watchtower inc.
Giving up dreams of being a world famous runner to scrub toilets and clean business offices. What a dream...
did anyone see this video?
i've seen it before but my wife wanted to watch it again last night.
This video that 'the society' came out with was downright disgusting. I call watchtower inc dreamkillers.
that is to any land line or cell phone in usa or canada!
great way to save some minutes or money....you download it from google...i access it through my gmail account...click the phone feature on the left column and a dial pad appears....so all you need is a mic and speakers or a headset mic...and they give your laptop an actual phone number...when somebody dials my google phone number...it rings through on my cell phone!!!
i dont even know how it does that but i have a droid and use everything google has for it..............enjoy......oompa.
so hyped.
i can believe this world is still here.
i know that i've been in a cult...the future is in my gasp, and i am in full control!!!!
^ Thanks Vampire ;-)
so hyped.
i can believe this world is still here.
i know that i've been in a cult...the future is in my gasp, and i am in full control!!!!
Ziddina, thank you, they smell so good.
so hyped.
i can believe this world is still here.
i know that i've been in a cult...the future is in my gasp, and i am in full control!!!!
No room for george, I love you. Now you know I love Teena Marie, but you had me cracking up with what you said about her a few months ago. And what you said about Christina Augerilla. You a mess and your the bomb. LOL @ Jehovah is gonna destroy those flowers.
Thank you guys.
i hate doing this type of thread.
none of us are perfect, least of all myself, and i would rather focus any criticism on the watch tower society for damaging people's lives.
however, in the short period since i've been a member of this forum i've noticed one member in particular deteriorate in his behaviour into the type of individual who threatens to undermine the credibility of the entire website.
Oh yeah, Outlaw he is, I forgot about that.
so hyped.
i can believe this world is still here.
i know that i've been in a cult...the future is in my gasp, and i am in full control!!!!
So hyped. I can believe this world is still here. I know that I've been in a cult...the future is in my gasp, and I am in full control!!!!!
its my first real birthday today!
i recieved a call in the morning with a sweet voice singing 'happy birthday' to me.
it was so nice.
Happy Birthday. Enjoy talking to you on facebook.
I'll be 29 in a few days.
dear friends,.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
time heals much pain, and finally, my family and i have been able to move on with our life outside of jw land.. many of you became our friends, our support system, and you know very well our exit story...we were labeled, slandered and disfellowshipped for having questions regarding the date 607. we sent out letters exposing the elders and circuit overseer to over 200 families.