oh refiners,
ya make me laugh today. The walk, the suit, the blank stare..You're too damn funny!!!
I have one problem tho...I thought I was Satan manifest!!! Thanks, I really needed that laugh LMAO
its true!!
oh happy day.
first time in 10 years.
oh refiners,
ya make me laugh today. The walk, the suit, the blank stare..You're too damn funny!!!
I have one problem tho...I thought I was Satan manifest!!! Thanks, I really needed that laugh LMAO
does anyone ever get a strange warm prickly sensation travelling all over their skin when thinking about a dream or something which happened?
i just did while thinking about my dream i had about heaven last night.. .
weird that.
Well actually I do know that feeling!! Unfortunately it's the feeling I get right before I have a seizure. I haven't had one of those though since I left (or should I say I was tossed out on my pagan butt) my abusive JW husband. I'm glad you're still dreaming, I gave it up a long time ago. I'd love to know what heaven looks like since I was told I'll never get there.
ps: what exactly is a pagan and why is it a bad thing?
my oldest daughter, beth, had her second episode yesterday and i'm now officially worried and am looking for someone in the medical community or someone who recognizes these symptoms.. her very first seizure was a febrile seizure, due to a high temp when she was a year old.
i doubt this has anything to do with the present stuff.. a few months ago, she fainted at work and seizured on the stairs, was taken by ambulance to the er.
she came home looking beat up from banging her head on the stairs, with a mild concussion.. yesterday, when she went to get on the bus, she felt it coming on again, and while she was able to somehow ward of the 'seizure', she blacked out before she could pay her fare.
Hey M
Like my fellow post ee, I too have seizures. I have not had one in 4 yrs. Oddly enough after I left an abusive marriage, they seemed to disappear! Hmmmm. I do know that stress, sleep deprivation, alcohol, diet, among other things can trigger one. My seizures began in my late 20's and I would go years before having another one with or without medications. I decided with my neurologist to try going off meds since my life situations have changed to test my theory. That was 4 yrs ago. I have not had 1. Often a panic attack will simulate the early signs of a seizure or at least that's how it felt to me. I agree that she should see a neurologist and she should also evaluate what she can do to avoid things that can trigger one. My personal favorate was the good ole disco strobe light! I make sure I also get plenty of sleep. When I found the "internet" I was up for many many late hours and there I would sit having a grand mal seizure shortly after. Keep searching for Dr's as well as having her become active in her own health. I had one time a Dr refer to me as a psych case. The nurse said should we NOT intibate her then? I didn't know people could "fake" turning blue!........silly Dr! Even if it's not seizure, she needs medical attention and don't go back to the same Dr that goofed the 1st time.
last saturday, a former ministerial servant and pioneer committed suicide in the woodinville washington kingdom hall parking lot.
he was disfellowshipped several years ago, and according to the old sister that related the story to me today, he was depressed because no one would talk to him.
i don't know how i kept calm when she explained to me that "we couldn't talk to him...he was disfellowshipped.".
Sabine, I share your anger at the pointless loss of life and heartless tactics that isolate people from society and their families when they need help the most.My heart also goes out to all that are left with the void from a soul lost. I have a 13 yr old son that was being raised (stolen) by a JW father. He is now talking suicide because life is too over bearing and pointless. In hismind "he will never be good enough and everyone is going to die anyway". I got him into therapy and his father intends to "take him back". I fear that my son will become the next victim of this cult. Does anyone know where I can find statistics or articles on the children lost to suicide in this religion. I need to smack a judge or two in the head with it! I fear that I will be the next parent Sabine reaches out to.