Hello mister Morris, welcome to our hospital! Now we've heard about your personal preferences when it comes to medical treatment, so your operation will not be performed by one of our highly qualified doctors, since they have all had higher education. Instead, we've arranged for our janitor, who has a good name with God, to perform your triple bypass. God bless you!
JoinedPosts by the-illuminator81
New YouTube video - Anthony Morris warns us against the horrors of higher education
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzcneuuajvg.
by still thinking ini would like to say that i miss zid.. i miss her dragons.
i miss her humour.
i miss her unique ability to cut through the crap.
Zid is the best!
New light or did the speaker just pull this out his wazoo?
by pubtruth ini went to the last day of the dc here in west palm beach, just to make my mother company.
wow, what a difference can a year outside the lie can do to perception.
it was the same crap as you'd expect but there is a plot twist: the speaker was so into the talk he was actually starting to shout and wound up mentioning that they now know how many angels will be needed to destroy everyone at armaggeddon.
Aaah the planets revolve around Pleiades. Silly me thinking they revolve around the sun.
That's funny. Maybe i'll do it tomorrow.
About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short insoldier 77 just posted this about two hours ago but i think his post got lost is the great debate and straw mans that another posters was throwing around.. anyway i hope soldier 77 does not mind if i make a thread from his insight.
soldier 77 "this seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on: http://pastebin.com/3nitctlf.
anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help.
There is another pastebin link up, if you look in the comments of the anonnews article.
The encrypted file will be cracked, don't worry, no matter how strong the encryption is there is still a human who is selecting the password, from the many passwords leaked over the last couple of years groups like anonymous have a large collection of real passwords in so-called 'rainbow tables' that they can use to speed up the bruteforcing attempts. Then there is the problem of 'known plaintext' attack, if a certain phrase is used often and the encryption key is not cycled enough then you can reverse engineer the encryption key. Most of the time the software that encrypts the file also makes mistakes that can be abused.
Also on another note, people are worrying that the WTS is now warned about the attack, but unfortunately the way anonymous works is that anyone can contribute, so they have to keep communication open even though it means that the target can obtain knowledge on the attack. However, most of the times the target is acting too slow and is too incompetent to close all of the holes on time. If the GB hears that there are hackers trying to find the pedophile database, they might instruct the IT crew to stoke up the coals powering the firewall. Especially if it's true that this database is available to all the branches worldwide and is kept up-to-date and online through their intranet, well then they won't shut it down until after there has been a breakin.
Top 10 EASIEST WAYS TO FADE....lets use our new Code words ( I will do 2 of 10 )
by dreamgolfer in1. move out of your assigned congo territory - with gas going back to $ 4 a gallon, they wont come hunting for you.
2. stop going to meetings because you:_______________________________________________.
I told that i was stressed out and needed a long resting period. Haven't heard from anyone in over 2 years now.
Anthony Morris III... Did he really serve in Vietnam? Something doesn't quite add up...
by Calebs Airplane inborn in 1950, he apparently became a regular pioneer in 1971.. but wait.... let's just say that he enlisted (or was drafted) in 1968 at age 18.... depending on the branch of service, he would have to complete anywhere from 2 to 4 years of service.
yes, duty in hot combat zones was usually limited to 6-months at a time but you still had to serve a total of 2 to 4 years depending on the branch of service.
assuming he only served 2 years, he would have been 20 years old and discharged by 1970.... how did he get witnessed to, complete a book study, become an unbaptized publisher, get baptized and then become a regular pioneer in less than year???.
I smell another NGO-affair coming. FOIA that sucker!
Would be awesome if he never enlisted and went to jail for impersonating a veteran. I can see the headlines already.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses feed the starving in third world countries
by Gnosis in.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
It's not really their fault that they don't give anything, they're just mimicking God. He's standing next to that boy and the vulture with all his omnipotent might, doing nothing at all.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses feed the starving in third world countries
by Gnosis in.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
They don't give the poor little african children food, but they do give them amazing, lifesaving advice. If you're hungry, sick and out of work, just pray to Jehovah, go to all the meetings and spend lots of time in field service and everything will be well.
Lately though, when a certain catastrophe is big in the US news and it's in the neighborhood (katrina, haiti) they might send a few trucks over and guilt some sheep into helping to build houses over there. But usually they don't do shit and they don't care about the rest of the world either.
The Field Service will end someday, maybe?
by Quarterback inlast month i heard a talk from a c.o.
he mentioned that the door to door service will come to an end.
he said that jehovah will tell us to stop it, eventually.
To the people who can't imagine them stopping.. it won't be an instantaneous moment from where 100% of the 'publishers' can suddenly stop going door to door. It will come as a slow reform, which has already started. You can now count 'family study' as service hours, you can count 15 mins as service hours. At a certain point they might say that those with physical problems only have to make 15 mins in a year, instead of a month. They will say that people like elders don't have to have that many hours because they already spend many hours preparing for talks and other works. Then you will find that only the service overseer will go into FS, and the other elders will be hardly seen going door to door.
Then they will say that some are simply not meant for the preaching work (Ephesians 4:11) and that just like with the anointed you would feel a special calling to preach or not.. and pretty quickly there will be few left who preach more than 5 hours a month and many who don't preach at all. I haven't seen my 'active' wife going into service for two months now, but she still reports hours because she has told a coworker she was going to the DC (5 minute conversation -> 2 hours of FS reported). Many JWs operate in this way.