Well, I just gotta show some support [today, prior days in the month are already covered!]
JoinedPosts by JWinSF
National Masturbation Month
by dubla inmay is national masturbation month........with all the sex that hits this forum, i cant believe i havent seen this thread yet.
(maybe i missed it).....anyhow, have fun.. .
There Are Gay JW's?
by stormrider inthere is a question at the end of all this i promise!!
please bear with me.. hi all, this is the first time i've been to any site like this.
so, quickly... i'm ethan, from ky, but currently in michigan.
Hi Stormrider,
When I first started thinking about disassociating in late 1993, I felt that the Organization was correct about everything except they just didn't really understand homosexuality. I also believed [after much inner-searching and prayer] that I was OK for being gay. It's just that somehow the scriptural interpretations got mixed up over the years.
However, around January 1994 I came in contact with Raymond Franz's books Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. Having once been an elder, I started to read quite skeptically and critically, KNOWING that I could find fault with his writings. On the contrary, everything that he wrote was fully backed up. It dispelled from my mind the incorrect view that "The Truth" is the truth. It is merely another man-made religion with both good points and bad points. It cannot lay claim to being "Jehovah's Organization on Earth". I strongly recommend that you read them.
When I sent in my letter of disassociation in March 1994 I simultaneously sent in an ad to start the formation of a support group in San Francisco for former JW gays. Long story short, between my starting the group, Kent Steinhaug's support for us on his web site, and Jim Moon's [the first one to answer my ad] tireless efforts at putting together a first-rate web site [www.gayxjw.org], we're now International!
Feel free to contact any of us [links to our emails are on our pictures]. BTW, I'm also from Michigan. I left the Dearborn Congregation for California [still a very active JW at the time] in the fall of 1980. I've never regretted my move. Also, I've never regretted disassociating in 1994.
Glad to see the Press Releases
by JWinSF injust got back from a short nyc vacation [nope, didn't go to the headquarters --- didn't want to have to go by ground zero and get depressed only to be further depressed by the site of the wtbts].. anyhow, how wonderful to see press getting on the band wagon [and major, heavy hitters like the san francisco chronicle/examiner] about the jws dirty secret regarding child molesters.
they actually make the catholic church look clean.. out of curiosity, i had to see the dubz official site.
natch, they had prominently displayed a series of articles against child molestation.
Just got back from a short NYC vacation [nope, didn't go to the Headquarters --- didn't want to have to go by Ground Zero and get depressed only to be further depressed by the site of the WTBTS].
Anyhow, how wonderful to see Press getting on the band wagon [and major, heavy hitters like the San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner] about the JWs dirty secret regarding child molesters. They actually make the Catholic Church look clean.
Out of curiosity, I had to see the Dubz official site. Natch, they had prominently displayed a series of articles against child molestation. That's the first sign to me that they're really squirming. Like the Catholics, they right off the bat link the problem of child abuse to homosexuality, a totally proven error in logic. [Of course, the JWs never really did have a claim to logic.] I hope the JWs really squirm on this one. I also hope that I may run into some "good ol' Dubz" on Market Street in San Francisco and play "cat and mouse" with them [they don't know me as I never attended any of the SF congregations].
Anyhow, Brava, Bill, for your work and for all of you others who've been "shot as the messengers of truth" regarding what really goes on in "The Truth".
On my way plane trip from NYC this morning, I played on my laptop the movie "Moonstruck" with Cher. Many outdoor scenes take place in Brooklyn Heights. In fact, it clearly shows "Columbia Heights" as one of the streets in the background, overlooking the Hudson River and Manhattan [alas, replete with the Twin Towers] in the background. So, to me I instantly thought of Bethel
To one suitor who backed out on his promise of marriage to her, Cher said "In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a Red Dress". Ok, madames es messeurs [not a French speaker, so I've probably "blown it" on this phrase], let's get our full-dress outfits in order so that we too can show how much their demise means to us.
Of course, I don't believe that this recent activity will actually result in the Organization's demise. However, it is soooooooo delicious to know that it tarnishes their false image of purity.
An End To Df'ing..Would It Satisfy You?
by Englishman ini was just wondering if an end to disfellowshipping might be enough to solve some other major problems, as well as deflecting criticism away from the society.. people could act on their own conscience over blood, for example.
sure, the wtbts could still say it was wrong to have a blood transfusion if they felt so inclined, but at least people would be able to make a decision based on a belief rather than acting out of fear of shunning.
it would certainly take the heat off the wtbts.. it would also take away the rage that exs feel when their families are instructed to shun them, so that the ex becomes a major and formidable opponent against the witness religion.
While it's a major short-coming of the JW religion, it's not the only short-coming. They'd have to change some of their theological views as well. As the Bible says "that which has been made crooked cannot be made straight". IMO, the religion is beyond redemption.
Article on Barbara Harrison-Times
by Dogpatch inbarbara grizzuti harrison, a journalist and essayist whose writing on topics as diverse as the jehovah's witnesses and spike lee was distinguished by strong opinions and a willingness to cast herself into the action, died wednesday in new york of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
she was 67.. read the whole article, it's great!.
Hi Randy,
I saw the link on your site a few days ago and felt so sad. An ex-JW "sister" had told me both of her book and Raymond Franz's. Hers was out of print at the time and I got Raymond's instead. They, of course, were fabulous, erasing lingering doubts I had about disassociating.
A few years ago I did an on-line request for her book and became the proud owner of an unabridged, hard bound copy in excellent condition. I read it and was equally impressed. I presented a synopsis of it at one of our ACB annual conferences. So often the view of ex-JWs is brought forth through a male viewpoint. The insight of Barbara's view of the JWs was very illuminating.
Although I never met her, she definitely had an impact on my life. "Here's to you, Barbara, you beautiful, beautiful person."
Oh, and BTW, I saw the acid thread a few days ago regarding you. I wanted to respond, but by that time the thread had been closed. But, in any case, just wanted you to know, you're "A-OK" in my book. The "is he, isn't he". You've been very helpful to so many people and that's what counts.
6/1/02 WT - Genes, homosexuality and behavior
by Seeker4 inthe june 1, 2002 wt has an interesting discussion of whether genetics and our biology have any influence on "alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior and..." .
their conclusion?
essentially, they say no.
It's so typical of their trying to force fit human behavior into their strained theological beliefs. They totally disregard the mounting scientific evidence that shows a measurable degree of difference in gays' genes vs. straights [e.g., "The Science of Desire", a study of genetic differences of gay males vs. straight males].
As Princess Leia said to the General: "The more you tighten your grip the faster we'll slip through your fingers." Their spiritual stangle-hold on members will work only so far. Eventually, those who really "Awake" from their religious sleep recognize the writings as being nothing more than the rantings of old men totally out of touch with reality and the world around them.
Being dis-fellowshipped or dis-associated
by Smitty infor those that are dis-fellowshipped or dis-associated: do you speak to jw's even though they know you're disfellowshipped or dis-associated?
Hi Meat Pie,
As far as I remember, yes, they're basically told that it's their duty to inform other JWs that they are DFd. Kinda like a leper walking through the streets saying "unclean, unclean". LOL
San Francisco Oakland San Jose Bay Area
by clash_city_rockers inwould like to meet those in the bay area.
maybe organize a picnic, or ball game or a reno/lake tahoe trip or something really fun to meet the x-dubs in my area.
i meet rem and d-wilt.. d-wilt, long time no hear whats been going on?
There are also support groups that meet in Fremont and Marin. They are non-religious in nature
Being dis-fellowshipped or dis-associated
by Smitty infor those that are dis-fellowshipped or dis-associated: do you speak to jw's even though they know you're disfellowshipped or dis-associated?
I DAd in March 1994. For those who know me [i.e., the former congregation]: They won't talk to me, so my talking to them would be pointless. Yet, I no longer live in the congregation's area. So, its a moot point. However, regarding the "commandment" given by the "Holier than thou" elders to DFd and DAd people: "don't speak to other JWs", I don't buy into that. If I see a JW on the street or if I come to know that someone is a JW through conversation, I'm not going to "curl up" and say "I'm DAd, so don't speak to me". That's bull. I'll talk to them [and have done so] without their knowing who I am.
Feng Shui
by Lost Diamond inhave any of you ever looked into feng shui?
if so, what is your feeling on it?
I'm kinda into it. But, like anything, I think that it can be taken too far. So much of it is really "common sense" which is usually not that common. Like, getting rid of clutter [I'm a big offender there] and the appropriate use of color.
However, case in point as to how it can be taken too far. The principles often mention the use of mirrors to help in a room that is deficient in one of the fung shui aspects. So, not wanting to spend a lot of moola, I added mirror tiles in frames [five all together 1' x 6' each] and hung them on my living room wall. All my friends and I like the look and feel of the living now. However, I read in one fung shui book to NOT use mirror tiles, as the "breaks" in line of vision where they meet defeat the purpose of having them there in the first place. So, the jury's out for me on buying into it completely.