For PR purposes he may be a "gentleman". However, back in the early 80s when I was an Elder, the Detroit area congregations were having massive "problems" with "immorality". They had a special "SWAT" team of a few select local elders and a couple of representatives from Brooklyn, JR Brown being one of them.
We were having special meetings to go over the at that time new "Elders Manual". JR Brown came across as a very arrogant man without evidence of any "human kindness". The other man from Brooklyn was quite nice --- can't remember his name, however.
Several elders and I during the break were visibly shocked at JR Brown's demeanor. Again, he's nice for PR purposes, but he's quite the opposite behind closed doors. That is, unless he's changed drastically in the last 20 years. However, "a leopard can't change its spots". I doubt that he's probably a nice guy.