1. How long were you a Jehovah's Witness? Officially [i.e., from baptism to disassociating] 23 years, total exposure being raised in an inactive household [mother inactive, father not a JW] 45 years.
2. Were you raised in it or become a JW later on in life? I officially started pursuing it at age 18 when my mother had a stoke, i.e., I was vulnerable.
3. Were you contacted via the door-to-door ministry? No.
4. Initially, what intrigued or drew you to the Jehovah's Witnesses then? It's neutral political stance, the promise living forever in a perfect world.
5. When were you baptized? Or if you weren't, mention that if you wish. 1971.
6. When did you start having doubts? Serious doubts started to occur after my sister had a stroke in 1987. The "loving" elders essentially did very little to help see how I was doing taking care of her.
7. What else perhaps contributed to your leaving? The real problem was after my sister and mother had to be placed into nursing homes and my niece [all of whom lived with me] got disfellowshipped and left, I had to deal with my being gay [hadn't acted on it up to that time, but I knew who I was.]
8. When were you disfellowshipped/disassociated? I first started seriously to consider leaving in October 1993. I sent in my letter of disassociation in March 1994.
9. Have you ever been reinstated? No, no desire to do so.
10. Did you attempt to contact or have spoken with other active-JWs when you were DF/DA'd? Yes, for while a very close "sister" from the congregation kept up occasional contact. However, she was prone to migraines. The stress from inner conflict started to trigger those. She ultimately decided not to go on with communication. My Uncle and Aunt, staunch JWs, at first kept up some communication until the first time that I'd gotten involved with someone. Then, the doors were shut.
11. Have you ever protested/picketted a JW assembly/convention? Not really a protest, picket. I don't like the tone that those take and I don't believe them to be productive. However, I along with some other ex-JW friends have advertised our gay/lesbian support group outside the Cow Palace where the San Francisco District Conventions take place. [See http://www.gayxjw.org/streetwork.html .]
12. Do you miss being a Jehovah's Witness? No.
13. Do you still have family that are active JWs? Yes, one.
14. Do you believe in god/God etc.? A creator or creative force, yes.
15. Are you politically active or have voted? Yes to both starting in the year that I disfellowshipped.
16. Would you say you have become more tolerant or open-minded generally speaking since you left? Much more tolerant and open-minded.
17. Do you think that the WTBTS will crumble? No. I believe that their days of rapid expansion are over.due in large part to the freedom of information available via the Internet. However, I believe that they will always appeal to some types of individuals. For example, those who can lead a "Leave It to Beaver" middle of the road existence. Also, for those who either are not capable of making decisions for themselves or choose not to make decisions for themselves, the religion is a safe haven, providing a blue print for all of life's decisions [whether or not the blue print is flawed.]
18. If you could say anything to the WTBTS and be listened to, what would you like to say? Please look at the numerous lives that you have either seriously damaged or snuffed out because of your hard-line, black and white thinking. Please change and admit to your past mistakes and to the extent possible, make amends.
19. What has helped you to cope, post-JW? Books like those from Raymond Franz that helped show me the truth behind "The Truth." Also, attending some support groups, hearing others' experiences. It's an affirmation.
20. Anything else you'd like to say/add? Nice questionnaire, quite thoughtfullly laid out.