As a Brit who has lived in the States, here is my take on some of these.
1-3. American spellings make more sense as they are more phonetic. Z is a great letter and we should use it more - especially when the sound is, well, z. I would rejig all daft spellings in English and start again.
4-5. Makes sense in the UK, but not in the US. In the UK I am pro as many laws as possible to keep guns out of everyone's hands. Living in the US and knowing any muppet can be armed I would probably want to own a gun myself (although I never bought one while over there).
6. Roundabouts are great and ensure that people who genuinely cannot drive cannot pass their test. Don't care what system of measurement is used so long as we use one. In Britain because of old people unable to count and divide by 10 we have to operate both.
7. Remember my car being filled up for the first time in America. $5. I thought there was something wrong and kept asking the attendant to put more in. This was a while ago mind. Having said that, why in America people have to fill up your car for you (as well as pack your groceries which I never let them do) was always a mystery to me.
8.Pff. Real chips come from Yorkshire. From anywhere else in the world they are terrible.
9. All beer tastes like vomit. British beer tastes like warm vomit.
10. Agree
11. Lived in New England when Bledsoe was playing. Fell in love with the game. Played rugby at school. Have to admit unless it is England playing would watch American Football over rugby. Just find the tactics really fascinating. Football I can take or leave. Typical game is 89 minutes of boredom with one minute of excitement.
12. Don't mind baseball but cricket (especially test cricket) is the single greatest game on the planet.
13. Maybe he killed himself. Or maybe his wife took out a contract on him.
14. ho hum
15. Don't drink tea. But hobknobs should be compulsory.
Would sacrifice all that is good to be British though to be able to elect my own head of state - even if it ended up being someone I did not like.