I'm a little unsure of your "official" status to the JWs. It says you were DF'ed, but then re-instated, then walked away, divorcing your ex. Knowing JW policy, I would assume you were DFed once more, due to leaving your husband.
I'm a little unclear as to whether that August KM article was "new light" or just a reinforcement of existing policies. DFed people, as far as I know, even family, have always been off-limits, except for "necessary" contact. And disassociated people have always been the same.
If you are not DF'ed or DA'ed, it would seem you've fallen through the cracks and should not technically be shunned. This is my situation. Though if they know how you view the JWs, they may have made the decision on their own.
It's sad and unfortunate and I continually worry that my family will do the same. To their warped way of thinking, it is our fault. They want us to come back and are witholding their friendship based on whether or not we do. We chose not to be JWs, so that is our choice. Call it our fault if you wish. Maybe it is our "fault". We knew the relationship risks when we chose to free ourselves from JW bondage and we knew the consequences it may have. And it is our actions that cause them to take theirs.
Is it right? Not if you've got an attitude that everyone has the right to do as they believe.
Right now, I'm a pacifist ex-JW when it comes to my family. I don't get into religious arguments with them. I don't try to pry them from their faith. And for the most part, I enjoy their company. To an extent, though I don't like it, I respect their right to believe as they wish. But I always figured that if they were to decide to shun me, I would have to take the offensive and wrest them from their faith.
Maybe, if indeed you did "just leave" (and not DF/DA), you can show them the info on the WT's official media site saying they don't shun people who simply walk away. Maybe this will cause enough confusion among them, especially being from an official JW website, that they may decide to keep your company after all.