From what you've said so far, you must be from South Africa.
Great story - assuming you're not pulling a fast one this time around.
the purpose of this thread is to tell everyone on this board who i am and why i am so different.. first of all, i have already apologised on another thread for posting zero drivel topics here.. i am a 29 year old male, born-in, baptised in 1998, df'd in 2003 for fornication, reinstated in 2008. i want to make it clear that i have never been a ms. after my reinstatement i continued to attend meetings with the same cong.
but moved to another cong.
earlier this year, reason being, the continued shunning by some hardcore self-righteous publishers.. i am still with the same cong until now, i go to meetings regularly, including taking part as well as giving bible reading talks.
From what you've said so far, you must be from South Africa.
Great story - assuming you're not pulling a fast one this time around.
my lord spoke to me for the first time yesterday and this morning he told me to post my experience.. i know there are going to be ones who will call me names and thats ok. i will accept whatever you feel you need to say.. here goes.
i heard a voice calling ''my child'', this happened while at the zoo so i was taken off guard!
i replied ''who is this?
For those who mock and bully Watersprout, you are showing much intolerance. Your true personalities have emerged from the smokescreen of your smooth talk. Your claim to have left the WT and embraced "nobler" ways has been exposed as untrue (you must have bullied even before joining the WT). If indeed your actions are WT-induced, you may have physically left, but you are all still bound to that mental frame. This thread has revealed so much raw agression from certain individuals who would rather hurt others to prove their own righteousness. It is such a huge shame.
I know there is a congregation of atheists and agnostics here who revel in their camaraderie. That boundlessly vocal group is drowning out the voice of those who would rather believe in the sacred, the revealed.
Faith is what many seek to hang on to, or some explanation of faith, when they join a board that is devoted to discussing a particular branch of Christianity. There is no empirical test to measure faith and belief.
How is one to know that the starter of this thread did not hear voices? And if Watersprout did hear voices, who is to say that what was heard was not real, at least to the hearer?
Religious/mystical experience is restricted to the individual. Paul was converted through one. Some may claim he was delusional or had some form of mental illness. Yet, his conviction that the encounter was real changed his life, to the point where he would rather embrace death than renounce.
I am with you Watersprout.
i've been away for some time checking in on a few occasions.
i settled in tonight, decided to log in and see what's new and bam!
right on the top of the page is an advertisement for e-watchman.
I did register at some point but never posted (if you don't post within one month, your privileges elapse). I found no subject I could comment on.
i find the topic of the 1975 end of the world scenario facinating, especially since i never lived through it.
do you old schoolers ever feel concerned that people will one day forget about what really went down?
with whitewashed tripe like the 'proclaimers' book informing dubs that it was just the false expectations of over enthusiastic apostates, are you at all concerned that the legacy of bullshit that is 1975 will be a forgotten moment in history blamed on you instead where the blame really belongs?
Much literature post-1975 is revisionist history. The Proclaimers book is pure revisionist thrash. That book was a trigger in my search for some other explanation of the WTS's past. I had never read such sugar-coating, self-glorifying "history", except in eulogies written by despots.
As to whether 1975 will be forgotten, yes it will by those who never lived it, or those who were wise enough not to let themselves seduced by it (this of course excludes kids who had to kowtow to their parents). It is somewhat like war: those who never lived it can see the pictures, read the stories, revisit the history. But the impact is hardly ever the same as those who actually witnessed the event.
My opinion, obviously.
"on the answers in genesis site, to take one example, ken ham published a report about the atheist that christians love to hate entitled 'dawkins ranting in oklahoma.
' the audience was described as 'mind-numbed robots,' and dawkins' ideas were sarcastically dismissed as communications from 'an extraterrestrial.
' anti-evolutionary religion sites across the internet make similar claims.
Excuse me to ask, Dogpatch.
Do you believe in God, as God in the Bible?
i've been away for some time checking in on a few occasions.
i settled in tonight, decided to log in and see what's new and bam!
right on the top of the page is an advertisement for e-watchman.
That's why he's entertaining, in my view.
Fact is, although ex-communicated (I think that is the current word, I am more used to the French "excommunié" - so I could be wrong here), his "theology" is watchtowerite.
Robert has always been that way since the olden days when he posted on many boards as "You Know".
I believe as I said above that he's doing practically the same thing as this board, albeit from a different perspective.
i've been away for some time checking in on a few occasions.
i settled in tonight, decided to log in and see what's new and bam!
right on the top of the page is an advertisement for e-watchman.
Absolutely nothing wrong with E-Watchman. Nothing. He's doing his own bit - as this Board is doing its own bit. You may not like his take on issues and grand-standing prophetic interpretations and anointed status and types and anti-types. But he is part of that widening group that is fragilizing the WT machine, one grain of sand a time. And depending how one looks at it, he is quite entertaining.
i met a woman some time back who i consider as a friend.
i see her from time to time, no, i have never dated her.
she does not look too bad.
I would not worry about the ministry bit, if I were you. You've probably impressed her in some way that you are "spiritual" and she must have thought you would like to share in some ministry. So you can talk her out of it, I guess.
But what you cannot negotiate is the liking and loving bit. If you like her, then that's not enough. If you love her, that's something else that could turn out wonderful.
Between liking and loving, there is a gulf indeed.
not in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
Whales have leg bones? Really?
Will have to attend a dissection one of these days.
not in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
You're stuck in time like they are. I've moved on - isn't that what evolution is all about?