Hi Larsinger58, sabastious, yknot, itsacult2, darth frosty, and DesirousOfChange, thank you for reading this thread and writing your comments to it.
sabastious, although you can see and understand the tactics that the WTBTS uses now, most people, who have not been exposed to WTBTS tactics and have not read the Bible very much, I believe, are very trusting and therefore very susceptible to the WTBTS tactics. I started this thread to hopefully raise people’s awareness of WTBTS’ tactics so that individuals can more effectively counter such tactics.
Yknot, thank you for a history lesson about how the WTBTS has changed since 1983, and counsel to not to assume that all JWs behave and think the same. You are right that I do not have as much experience as you do about interacting with JWs. I am also not afraid to express my opinion as an individual to stimulate people to think and to ask for help to improve my understanding from more knowledgeable people. Like I wrote in the thread (Belated) Hello , “ I am moving on in my life trying to balance my many interests with helping others.” Part of helping others is to write a thread such as this one to empower JWs, former JWs, and non-JWs to free the minds and the Holy Spirit inside of JWs (and other highly controlling religions). Thank you for your kind offer to contact my former friend. I always look forward to learning more from you. I am sure that other people on this forum who have spouses or BFs would appreciate learning how you would counter WTBTS tactics and free the minds of a JW when talking with my former friend.
Larsinger58, I am sure that many JWs stay in the “Truth” because of prestige (i.e., power), family, friends, social relationships, etc. I also believe that many R&F truly believe that they are serving Jehovah and it gives them a purpose for living. I would like to free the minds of JWs to see that they have power to change the WTBTS if they have the courage to stop donating time and money to the WTBTS, to write anonymous emails to other JWs to visit sites such as the JWN, jwfacts, watchtowerdocuments, silentlambs, etc., to read the Bible and pray more than to read the WTBTS literature, etc.
darth frosty, I agree that the WTBTS manipulates the scriptures for their own purposes. I have also discovered that by reading the whole paragraph or chapter of a Bible Book that contains a scripture quoted in the Watchtower/Awake!, that most people will become aware of how the WTBTS manipulates the scriptures for their purposes. My favorite example is how the WTBTS quotes Mt 24:45 to justify why to blindly follow the WTBTS and GB saying that it is a prophesy, instead of quoting the whole paragraph (Mt 24:45-51) showing that it may be more of a warning.
Mt 24:45-51 (NIV 2008)
45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ 49 and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
DesirousOfChange, I agree with you that the WTBTS’ leadership seems to be intentionally trying to deceive the R&F with the tactics that the Writing Department uses to feed the R&F. Maybe the GB and WTBTS’ leadership have crossed the line from spiritual enlightenment to maintaining a corporation’s existence with cash flow. It is also possible that Raymond Franz is correct. JWs should be free to decide for themselves, but they have many obstacles to overcome to free their minds and the Holy Spirit inside of them.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,