cedars- Hi punkofnice - I can see where you're coming from. A letter-writing campaign is a good idea, but it might be difficult to get off the ground from a logistical point of view. Postage stamps aren't as cheap as they used to be! Or did you have another idea for distribution?
soft+gentle - an elder was threatened and attacked in the ministry this week in London. He was doing first call with an MS. The man who came to the door shouted abuse, pushed the elder, tore off his hat and threw it to the ground and snatched all his literature and threw that to the ground too.
@cedars - Who mails letters anymore with the wide-spread use of email? Emails are easier to write, don't cost any money to send, can be sent anonymously with a little effort, and can be sent to individuals within a single household without arousing suspicions of JWs.
@soft+gentile Thanks for sharing information about an attack on JWs. It is so important not incite individuals to abuse any JW. I feel it is better to portray JWs in general as individuals who are victums of the Watchtower, which can be classified as a dangerous cult by Steve Hassan's BITE control model. When I wrote letters to the editors of several Australian newspapers in http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/child-abuse/217999/3/Victoria-Australia-Results-of-November-8th-Steven-Unthanks-Court-Hearing, I tried to portray the Watchtower as a dangerous cult and to provide valuable resources on the internet for readers about cults and the Watchtower.
After reading posts from other posters, I thought that exJWs should send letters to local newspaper editors to inform communities of the Watchtower's "Do not call list", an example of how a "Do not call list" door sign should look for the Watchtower, and to include internet links to www.jwfacts.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.freedomofmind.com so that readers can do some additional research. Also, exJWs should talk to their neighbors about the "Do not call list" when JWs actively go D2D in a neighborhood. When developing flyers, I believe that it would be better that flyers be thought provoking, target emotional hot buttoms of people, simple, written in font sizes greater than 14 Arial, and promenantly display reputable websites such as www.jwfacts.com, www.wikipedia.com, and www.watchtowerdocuments.com. To me it is more effective to reference reputable websites for readers, who are interested, to research additional information and to not alienate individuals, who don't care about the Watchtower and JWs.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,