Hi Maat13, On a piece of paper, draw a "T" and on the left-side write all the good things that the WTBTS has done that you are personally aware of. I don't mean what you have seen on stage at a meeting or assembly unless you have done independent research to verify what is presented on the stage is true. On the right-side write what you feel the WTBTS has done that you are personally aware of that has harmed people. I will predict that there will be more examples of the WTBTS doing harm than good.
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS's stance on JWs not attending college to qualify for a better paying career?
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS requiring that KH's be unecessarily remodeled a KH or moving a congregation to another location and selling the old KH, and then the WTBTS pressures JWs to donate money to remodel or build a new KH?
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS requiring that JWs go out in FS when most people are not home or may adversely affect a JW's ability to work a 40-hr job? How about the WTBTS's stance on JWs attending 2 nights of meetings/week that might adversely affect a JW's ability to work a 40-hr job?
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS requiring that JWs do not accept whole blood transfusions or changing its blood doctrine over the last 60-years?
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS requiring that JWs shun JWs who DA themselves like Raymond Franz?
How do you feel JWs benefit from the WTBTS requiring that JWs not associate with non-JWs unless they are conducting indoctrination sessions (i.e., Bible Studies) with non-JWs.
How do you feel JWs benefit from loaning money to the WTBTS and then the WTBTS telling those JWs that it was not a loan but a donation?
How do you feel JWs benefit from being told to do more or give more to the WTBTS even if it reduces a JW's enjoyment?
How do you feel JWs benefit from having a cult persona and authentic persona, instead of a unified and authentic personality?
Keep on doing independent research of the WTBTS, and in less than 1 year you feelings about the WTBTS will change.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,