Hi Faithful Witness, JWs (as do other dangerous cult members) use "unhealthy influence" tactics to deflect a conversation. Examples of deflection are asking questions back to make it appear that you have personal issues, switching subjects (especially if they feel that they are unable to prove their position) and quoting unrelated verses to confuse potential recruits. Steve Hassan's video How Big is the Phenomenon of Undue Influence? (2:01) may help you to better understand what I'm talking about.
Too overcome deflection tactics ask them simple questions in an inquisitive tone of voice, such as "Why did you change subjects?", "How are those verses related?" or "How is _____ related to _______?", "Do you know that by switching subjects so frequently you are bringing reproach on the WTBTS, because householders will start to think you belong to a dangerous cult? (show them Steve Hassan's video to prove your point)"
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,