Hi Faithful Witness, There is nothing you can do to confront a JW's cult persona head on, unless you want to end your bible study using "Shock and Awe" techniques?
Before I new about Steve Hassan's BITE control methods and reading about the experiences of other JWN members, I had two bible studies with an elder and another with a brother. The elder used the same techniques as your elderette, but also wanted to form a personal relationship with me so he spent a lot of time talking about non-JW topics. Based on my experiences with the elder, I feel that his authentic persona was stronger than your elderette's authentic persona. The brother on the other hand had a very strong cult persona and wanted to indoctrinate me more than the elder and ended his indoctination of me when I become more confrontational with his views that "True Christians" need an organization to lead them. With the brother, I believe, that I successfully caused him cognitive dissonance about the WTBTS's blood policy because he switched his tactics to "True Christians" need an organization to lead them. I wish I knew to ask him to show me in the Bible that Jesus Christ said that.
Based on my two experiences, IMHO your best options are:
- Ask your elderettes simple questions to learn more about their authentic personas;
- Learn how to turn off and on a JW's cult persona. When you greet your edlerettes, keep your elderettes off balance by asking if something is bothering them because of their clothing, make-up, or hair being out of place or out of character. Offer them cookies and tea and engage them in social conversations as soon as possible. Everyone is different so listen to what your elderettes say and observe your elderettes' body language. Alter your body language to experiment with how it effects your elderettes'.
- Ask simple, short questions about showing you that Jesus Christ taught or showed by example with a non-WTBTS Bible or some other non-WTBTS reference about what they said when they use circular logic statements, unsubstantiated statements, or make unhealthy comments about you not having the right attitude. If the elderettes can not relate to you asking them why are they making unhealthy comments about your attitude though an example like being pressured by a car salesman or time-share salesman, then show them Steve Hassan's video How Big is the Phenomenon of Undue Influence? (2:01) Also, counter their thought-stopping platitudes whenever you can with short counter statements and/or questions. By gently confronting a JW's cult persona, you will be helping their authentic persona to become stronger.
- Do not spend more than 1-1/2 hours studying with your elderettes to maintain your emotional well-being and reduce your frustrations. Always tell your elderettes that you have a pre-exiting appointment before they come over so that they will not overstay their welcome.
Making declaritive statements to confront JWs directly about WTBTS doctrine will end a conversation quickly. Over the years the WTBT has indoctrinated JWs with layers of BITE control defenses. It could take years to deprogram "Spiritually Stong" (non-thinking) JWs unless you can get help from their authentic personas. You can help a JW's authentic persona to become stronger by removing the BITE control protective layers, getting them to talk about what bothers them about the WTBTS and/or other JWs in a safe environment, by helping them to critically think for themselves, and helping them to turn off their cult personas by talking about routine non-JW subjects that they enjoy talking about.
You are doing very well and are very lucky to have two elderettes helping you to control your emotions and to perfect your reverse-witnessing skills so that you can help you JW family critically think for themselves.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,