Lazarus - When I would decide to disassociate from JWs, the consequences would be quite clear. I would lose my relationship with family and friends. Maybe even contact. The price to pay would be not only high for me, my beloved family and friends would suffer due to my decision too. Some of them more then they could bear.
Further consequences could be necessity to relocate, depression, counseling and more.
When I look at what I would gain leaving JWs, it appears to me not a quarter as good than the losses I would suffer. Therefore I will do what is best for me, namely stay a JW.
. . . .
Consider careful which decision will be the best for you. Make a list with all pro and cons. Weight every entry. Put them in the pair of balances. Examine which side outweighs the other. Do what is best for you.
P.S.: Hate to write in English language.
Hi Lazarus, you stated what your cons were for leaving the WTBTS, but you did not state what your pros were for leaving. What do you feel would be pros for leaving the WTBTS? How has the WTBTS' doctrine changes affected your life (i.e., "1914 the generature that will not pass" to "Overlapping Generations" How far away from retirement are you? Will you have sufficient assets to live a comfortable life in retirement? If you spent less time serving the WTBTS would you have more time to study to get a better job, and make more money? Do you need a more reliable car? Would you like to take a nice relaxing vacation? Do you like to travel? Do you like to feely discuss your opinions with others in person, instead of through the JWN?
From your post it seems that you have doubts about WTBTS' doctrines and that you are staying in the WTBTS because of how other people would treat you. If you disagree with WTBTS' doctrines, how can you demonstrate your displeasure (i.e., stop donating, not doing field service, not reading WTBTS literature during Bible Studies, reading the Bible without reading WTBTS literature, etc.) with the WTBTS. If you always live your life for others and ignor your feelings, the consequence is that eventually you will regret living.
P.s. - If you hate writing in English, have you asked Simon to start a new forum for your native language or have you used the free translation services on to reduce your frustrations? Just because you don't like something does not mean that you do not have the power to change your situation.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,