Still searching for a congregation. In the mean time, I will continue to read the Bible, help others and do no harm, and make time for friends and family.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i know that most of us here despise the witness religion.
are you soured on all all religions?.
Still searching for a congregation. In the mean time, I will continue to read the Bible, help others and do no harm, and make time for friends and family.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
as part of my post-exit recovery, i've been doing quite a bit of thinking, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of it all .... in the form of a "thought experiment" this question came to my mind, .
- matthew 24:34 .
i mean, i don't know what he meant and i'm ok with it.
Anony Mous - IF they ever admit they simply don't know then that would mean it's no longer 'close', they lose their sense of urgency and there would be a mass exit. The current end-of-the-generation is very close (as it's currently overlapping and the overlapping are already getting old) so 1914 - 18 (adult annointed of original generation) + ~70-80 - 18 (adult annointed of overlapping generation) + ~70-80 =~ 2020-2030.
I wonder if the GB admitted that they don't know, if there would be a mass exit. I agree that some would leave, but how many others would be confused and stay because they would be afraid of admitting that they were fooled to the family and friends that they shunned. I do believe that the GB could transition the WTBTS from a publishing and distribution corporation to a religion, but it would take a lot of work to overcome the throught reform and fears that exists in the GB. How many R&F JWs would just view it as "the light gets brighter and brigther"? How many JWs would be greatful to remain JWs if the WTBTS said, "We don't know when the end is near and living good Christian lives and spreading the word of Jesus Christ will the speed coming of Jesus Christ." I feel that the GB is good at spin doctoring and they have trained R&F JWs well to follow.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
as part of my post-exit recovery, i've been doing quite a bit of thinking, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of it all .... in the form of a "thought experiment" this question came to my mind, .
- matthew 24:34 .
i mean, i don't know what he meant and i'm ok with it.
@00DAD - ABibleStudent - You have a PM
Hi OODAD, I responded to your PM. I hope that my instructions were clear enough for you to insert quotes into your posts.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
as part of my post-exit recovery, i've been doing quite a bit of thinking, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of it all .... in the form of a "thought experiment" this question came to my mind, .
- matthew 24:34 .
i mean, i don't know what he meant and i'm ok with it.
Leavingwt - I know that many here disagree with me, but I accept Ray Franz's opinion on this topic. Moreover, his opinion coincided with what I saw at Brooklyn Bethel. Those guys are victims of victims. They truly believe that are doing God's work.
Besides that they were/are victims, I wonder if they have gotten so caught up in the details of running the organization against all the perceived persecutions/challanges that they have not taken time to reflect on whether they truly are following the teachings of Jesus Christ. The GB have psychological blinders because they were raised JW. Sadly, thought reform, fear, self-interested greed and power, and envy can be very self-perpetuating.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i'm a long time lurker here.. i'm not and never have been a jw, but i am trying to get an understanding of what it means to be disfellowshipped for the sake of someone i know.. my husband and i pastor a small church, we're nothing special, just a group of people who get together to seek god.
we're open to everyone and people pop in as they want to.
recently a woman in her early twenties has started turning up.
Welcome Yr Wydderug and thank you for posting. I agree with the other posters about suggesting to your friend to visit JWN (or, and she needs unconditional love from you and listening to her. Don't be surprized if she resists visiting JWN and, or rejects believing that she is a cult survivor - it is her JW persona talking. If you want to know more about what she is going through and how to help her, I would suggest reading Steve Hassan's books (e.g., "Combatting Cult Mind Control"), visiting Steve Hassan's website, reading Raymond Franz's books (i.e., "Crisis of Conscience"), and visiting other websites for ex-JWs like,,,, and I am glad that your friend met you, because you have an opportunity to help her in a very significant way.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
stop referring to it as "the truth".. "the world" is not going to turn on you because you are all great shining examples of human beings.
if "the world" turns on you, it's because you are a dangerous cult.. taze russell and rutherford were both nuts.
but "the light gets brighter"...the light was already bright, it's called the christian greek scriptures.
Black Sheep - They might as well shut it down and donate the Kingdom Halls for recovery centres for victims of cults and their families.
The WTBTS is a publishing and distribution corporation, which uses the guise of being a religion to dupe people searching for spirituality or a purpose in life. The WTBTS is no different than the Unification Church. It just may not be as controlling. I do believe that the WTBTS could change into a religion, but it would first have to admit its faults. I do remember how the Catholic Church survived the inquisitions and probably will survive after harboring pedophilic/abusive priests.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i am currently preparing for the public talk on sunday and as i was looking through the outline some these thoughts just keep popping up my mind that in the face of several allegations and numerous scandal, wbts has not stopped claiming to be god's organisation, i am wondering if they will ever realise that their strategies are no longer appealing to the general public.
regrettably, they keep on publishing and printing using victims of mind control hazards to the detriment of over 7 million rank and file members and spiritual illiterates in the society.
i keep on pondering on how long this malicious activity would continue.
Markkeli - . . . Well, I have to deliver the poison on sunday, "Are you marked for survival", Lets see if I survive the 30mins.
Welcome mankkeli and good-luck with dispensing the poison. I have always wondered what would happen if instead of JWs spreading dome, gloom, and fear, they spread love, joy, and hope? Is their anyway to cover the topics in your talk to inspire JWs to unconditionally love, feel joy in their lives, and have hope while living in the current system? I think it would be hilarious if you didn't say anything against the WTBTS but did not use the Org's lines, and the elders hauled you off the stage. It would only prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the WTBTS does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
letter regarding discussing scriptural matters with disfellowshipped ones.. .
Does anyone have a copy of a current WTBTS index that is mentioned in the letter? That could be a useful document to look-up old WTBTS false and flipping-flopping doctrines.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hello to all on this board.
thanks so much for creating it and fostering the spirit of welcoming and honesty here.
i have been "lurking" here for a while now and should really introduce myself.
Wecome Kensei01 and I look forward to more posts from you. Do you feel that you wife will be joining JWN also? Have you read Raymond Franz's books (e.g., "Crisis of Conscience") and Steve Hassan's books (e.g., "Combatting Cult Mind Control")? Reading books from either of those authors may give you peace that you have not felt in a long time and help you dealing with other JWs.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i've been a lurker on this forum and others like it for a while... it's been a great resource for research... i finally decided to join one and found this one to be the best.... born and raised fourth gen. jw... dad's an elder and missionary... we did special needs work when i was a kid... mom was dfed when i was a young teen... usual story for a born in... half family jw half not on both mom and dad's side... we have some high rankers and some annointed in the family tree... brother is @ bethel... i left when i was 18 never baptised never a publisher... just played the role of respectful son until i could fade away as to not jepardize dad's position... a skeptic privately from a young age...blah blah blah.... .
anyways i'm here mostly just to socialize, debate dogma, learn from others and and give loving support.... 30 yr old far as my current beliefs i'm what you might call an agnostic theist.... anyways that's enough blabbing for now... just wanted to say hey and give a little intro....
Welcome wearewathcingyouman and I look forward to more post from you. You are one of the few JW born-ins that seems to have a good relationship with your family and not adversely affected by being raised a JW. What took you so long to join the JWN and why did you join?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,